Visual Bug - Weapons & front of chest armor not showing

My windwalker monk has a visual glitch where my weapons are not showing/and despite being transmogged when they are drawn they are showing completely strangely as a regular pickaxe and a regular fist weapon despite both weapons being Everforged Longswords. Also a lot of decoration from my chest transmog is not showing.

I noticed this glitch as soon as I used the Glyph of Jab - which would draw my weapons when using Tiger Palm.

Despite removing this glyph the problem persists.

This happens consistently when I log in - I’ve observed this mostly in Dornogal only. Porting somewhere else/going into dungeons fixes this. But when I go back to Dornogal I experience the glitch again. Sometimes it’s ok, sometimes it isn’t. But I would say 80% of the time weapons and chest bug is occuring.

Love this for me - it was the Leatherworking armor that auto toggles on