<Vitality> Raid day: Wednesday 20.00-23.00

Hey! Vitality is a PvE focused guild doing Raid and M+.

Guild & Server: Vitality - Twisting Nether
Language: English
Raid Times: Wednesday 20.00-23.00
Current Progression: 8/8 Normal - 7/8 Heroic
Recruitment Contacts: galten#5531 (Discord)
Raider.io: https://raider.io/guilds/eu/twisting-nether/Vitality | https://guildsofwow.com/vtn
Requirements: Friendly, relaxed, punctual, positive attitude.
Needs: LF Tank and few dps.

Whisper me for a chat. Little info about you and your exp.

Hey mate! I am a brewmaster tank. Currently in the process of switching to prot war but that’s neither here nor there! Anyway! I am 7/8 HC because my guild fell apart before downing the last boss.
I am only 620 Ilvl atm but I more than carry my weight! I am a quick learner and people have said I am sometimes funny. Mostly my mom but also others. Oh also 18+!
Would love to have a chat about the open tank spot and see if we hit it off! :smiley:
Sent you a friend req on discord!

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