Voice change

I have a female Tauren.

As of today, she speaks in a Male Blood Elf voice. Including using the Male Blood Elf lines for /silly

I logged out. I did a Scan & Repair. It made some very small update - took a few seconds after the scan completed.

On logging back in, the problem persists.

The problem has to be client-side, I presume, but I have no idea what’s going on.

This doesn’t affect any of my other characters, AFAICS.

Any ideas?

P.S. I made a new level 1 Female Tauren to test, and she speaks with the correct voice, but my real Tauren still has the wrong voice,

Just tested my Female tauren for you and the voice is all normal.

Ok, to mark the solution, and leave a note for anyone else with a similar problem who finds this through searching…

My character’s voice changed both sex and race. My Female Tauren one day started speaking with the voice of a Male Blood Elf, amd was even using the Male BE lines in response to /silly

Reset UI didn’t fix it.

Scan and repair didn’t fix it.

Yesterday we had a client update with the new patch, and that fixed it.

I assume that the update found whatver was corrupt in the client, and fixed it so the voice was the right race again.

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