Void storage is pointless

I’ve never used it
Well i used it once to see what it did.

I guess i assumed it was like a shared storage across your account. It was not

It can be useful to store RP gear instead of placing them in your bank

the void storage isn’t meant to be a bank, think of it as a trophy wall where you can put up ‘‘worthless’’ items that have sentimental value to you, like your warglaives of azzinoth, a bonus mount, or your first legion legendary, maybe a gladiator tabard or something

it’s a place for stuff you don’t need but still want to have

well, damn…my actual bank is full to bursting with old trinkets, steamy romance novels, legendaries, etc all because I forgot that void storage is a thing!

I placed my thunderfury and the glaives in my bank because I don’t trust those void toilet paper guys

Nope, not at all.

ethereals do come across as a bit mafia-esque

I wouldn’t say it’s pointless.
Personally, I use mine for rare transmog, Tabards, legendaries and a few random things.


I like this idea.

Would be great if they just dropped all the restrictions on what you could put in there TBH. I mean still charge (coz Ethereals gotta make a living somehow) but maybe let you use it for all that junk you just cant throw away.

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Eh ? they can !

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