Void zone issues

Anyone else experiencing issues while trying to cast void zone? 9 out of 10 times it won’t land, instead I’ll get a red message stating “no path available” if I continue trying to cast it somewhere I will eventually get “you have to learn the spell first”, so then I have to quit trying, cast a new spell and keep trying to cast it again. Not sure if this is just me, but I’ve seen it happening very often in AB, and some other shadow priests reported same problems in the bg chat. It’s really buggy and unreliant if you have to attempt to cast it many times before it actually lands.

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Getting this problem often also

I get this problem on my hunter when placing traps with trap launcher, but usually happens if the place im trying to place it is out of LOS then the second attempt to out down says spell not learnt

I am pretty sure it had to do something with you not being at the same elevation level as the targeted location, while that area also need to be directly connected with the area you are standing on.

I’m pretty sure it’s not the case here. You can have multiple attempts and still fail, then cast another spell and try void zone again and voila, void zone lands successfully with the next try. It’s buggy as hell and unreliant in pvp. I know it’s a meme compared to despair but I like to use it sometimes, for the mental game mostly, to stop a group push over the bridge for example.