How come we are seeing voidweaver buffs for disc, ive done 15 games of 2s and ALL have been disc priests running voidweaver
and are close to out dps the dps hehe
Dude are you really surprised? They gatekeep R Druids and H Priests from the arena for whole season and you are surprised that they buff the most dominant 2s healer?
You expect 2s not to be a clown bracket? When has it ever not been?
At any rate, voidweaver is non-existent in 3s because it requires a lot of casting. Given how every class has a kick except priest (yes, shadow has silence…) voidweaver is very difficult to pull off, not to mention the bursty damage where you can’t be spamming damage and have to drop out to heal.
Damage is pretty much the only offensive form of agency disc has. If you take the damage away, even if you then bring up atonement for numbers, disc would warrant a far better toolkit than it has now.
And no, aoe fear is not the great gamebreaker you think it is. When every class has far better mobility than priest, with cc to boot, it becomes highly situational and even then in a lot of cases opens you up to counter-cc.
Needless to say a lot of the same applies to mc.
Thoughtsteal is really only an option against mages.
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