Playing for the last couple of days, I’d say shadow priests (voidweavers specifically) are in need for some tweaks. The spec, visuals and gameplay feel rather nice and it’s focusing on more of an instant damage build by going voidweaver, which is OK and a nice choice that it’s there.
Nevertheless, it feels that it lacks in raw power, as it’s trying to combine damage over time + instant damage.
Entropic Rift:
Summoning it with Void Torrent feels a bit bad, as am I mostly feeling that I need to cancel the Rift and start casting Void Blast instead in order to extend the Entropic Rift
Entropic Rift is visually bugged and it appears in a random location which doesn’t make any sense. You can be in range and start casting Void Torrent to spawn the Rift and instead of appearing right next to the target, it appears more close to me or quite far away from the target, although sometimes it spawns correctly (in melee, which makes sense). Not sure if it’s some pathing issues but I’ve tried to position myself more in melee to counteract this weird behaviour and it usually spawns right under my target for the Void Torrent, although often it spawns way behind the target and myself (very strange). This feels straight up bad, your ability is not hitting anyone for couple of seconds (especially if your target is being kited), while it’s trying to catch up to your original Void Torrent target resulting in no damage and lost Entropic Rift duration/up-time.
Some suggestions:
Give instant 2 Void blasts once the Entropic Rift is summoned, rather than feeling that you need to hold on your Mind blasts/Instant Mind blasts pre-cast of Void Torrent.
Increase Entropic Rift travel speed and make it spawn under/next to the target of Void Torrent (as opposed to how it currently behaves 95% of the time, spawning far away from the target)
Increase duration of Entropic Rift or increase cap of Void Blasts for better Entropic Rift uptime. The playstyle around Entropic Rift resembles old Voidform spell, where you’d have to sustain your sanity as long as you can for longer Voidform uptime. Entropic Rift could be prolonged more this way, allowing more Devouring Plagues casts (for more damage/AOE from Collapsing Void). This should result in a decent damage buff that will reward players that are correctly extending Entropic Rift’s AOE/Damage/Duration, via the available tools, overall making Voidweavers more competitive and in line with other better performing classes/specs.
Perhaps too much, but give Entropic Rift the ability to spread your current/nearby target’s dots to any other targets in the range of Entropic Rift (or perhaps when it ends and it explodes?), as often it feels awful to individually spread more dots on your other targets that have been missed by Shadow Crash, during your Entropic Rift, where you should instead cast Void Blasts and dumping your Devouring Plagues for more damage/AOE. This will give Shadow Priests another source of spreading dots outside of Shadow Crash which is always welcome.
Overall great expansion so far, would like to see Voidweavers in a better place though!