Vote for Arena Expansion

4 and 5 on top.

When I see people saying that scripted WoD was top 3 PvP expansion I can’t believe.

yea i loved that.
legion at least were bearable while it also destroyed pvp for me but it wasn’t as bad as it is now.
don’t even wanna log in anymore <.<


Mop was best pvp. But i think ppl forgot that server delay system was different back than. It was almost impossible to interrupt fast clones. If they little bit nerfed symbiosis and lock ele dudu it would be best game ever

That however isn’t a necessary downside (could have been fixed).
This issue indeed existed, however wasn’t issue of arena (topic).
(It’s not because of arena that gear in WPvP didn’t scale and legendaries were allowed).

So it this criticism of Legion Arena is invalid. However there are still plenty valid reasons and I agree with you that Legion wasn’t great arena exp.

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TBC (1) will always remain #1 for me. After that, WoD, MoP and Wrath were all pretty decent. I found Cata, Legion and BfA absolutely disgusting and not worth my time. On the other hand, WoD had by far the best PvP gearing system to date, except for that stupid RNG crate from Ashran (it was acceptable in WoD S3, but not at the start).

Whenever Demo locks had Metaform were the best for me… Before all the cool toys got given to DHs

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I didn’t log for over a month even though my sub expires in August. I think WoW’s problem isn’t only Blizzard. It’s the whole game industry cutting costs and raising revenue. Look at Fallout 76, Anthem, CoD: Black Ops 4 etc. As long as people will agree for what producers try to sell they will keep doing this. As long as game sells they will continue doing the same things and our complaints on forums won’t be noticed. They need to lose money to react

Wrath - MoP - Cata - WoD - BfA = Legion - TBC

Dunno why people rate TBC that high, arenas were literally a beta, class balance non-existing, you could go autisimus maximus with PvE gear, slow paced gameplay rogues unbeatable with Glaives slaying 2v1. Like i get all the nostalgy but cmon lol.

I have better proposition! Make WoW:Arena game. Move PvP out of WoW. Less problems with balancing classes for PvP and PvE at same time, possibility to add deeper customization for classes, ingame tournaments, duels, custom pvp matches…like tons of things can be done there…Blizz will have many ways for monetization in there…
You can leave world pvp in WoW just for sake of lore.

And finally proper spectator mode and interface…

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