Vote Hexit 2019

Hail Peons,

It’s time for us to leave this project known as the Zandalar Tribe Union.

It’s time for a HARD HEXIT. The big wigs in orgrimmar can not ignore the will of the Peons!



Hexit, are you leaving the horde :frowning:

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Hexit for da Warchief!

By the way, who is he?:thinking:

By this flawed logic Brexit would mean Britain leaving Britain.


The HEXIT movement would have you falsely believe that the faction imbalance of active players is a disadvantage. There are a number of problems with this, chief amongst witch are ;

  • The source of the census is highly suspect - what constitutes ‘active’, when was the census performed - I know I was never asked!
  • Even if such a perceived imbalance exists this is not a disadvantage, but rather an advantage - there is four times as many targets for us, allowing us to gain four times the honor!

So brethren do not listen to these false prophets and their hollow promises #remain and stay strong!



Another treacherous REMOANER who fails to accept the realities of the faction imbalance caused by unelected chieftains and their desire for an inter factional army!!

Project FEAR!!!

Respect the will of the peons, HEXIT!

while your post as a whole is a nice skit, this passage needs elaborating. you see, there are addons which scan /who lists. they don’t have to ask you or me :wink:

Setting aside the above shenanigans for a bit - addons can no longer use /who, they work by scanning (and sharing) seen people much like how spy works. This means that it is entirely possible to get a very scewed picture as zone with a very heavy alliance prescense are being avoided by horde players ( no sence in getting grinding 1:5 when you can just change zones and get a faction distribution that is closer to 1:2)

Having said that; from my own experiences in the past week I no trouble beliving that the ratio of horde:alliance that are actively engaging in wpvp is 1:4 - even if I found a solo victim 3-4 more would usually show up before I could finish off the first.
I’m hoping that now most people have gotten their trinket, things will even out a bit more

Well I read somewhere they still can scan /who, it is just limited to 50 results now.
I don’t see how alliance will step back and let horde breathe when they get their trinkets. I got mine and I’m in for the kill every occasion to get my revenge.

Because for some that and the 10% discount was all they wanted from the honor system - if you truly wanted honor or even enjoyed that aspect, you wouldn’t try to farm it in a 10+ man group. Which is why I think we will see far fewer of those now - but only time will tell :slight_smile:

Yes please leave! Especially those guys camping Morgan’s Vigil, please go already. Also those rogues at the docks in Menethil, plz Hexit now.

(Seriously though, to all those idiots on both sides camping people who try to get something done rather than fighting each other, please go away.)

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New census exposes #HEXIT lies!

There are in fact twice as many horde as allies!

I kind of wish blizzard would publise the server stats them selves - these external sources literally change at the drop of a hat.

And despite what my link may currently say (was 3481 H vs 1816 A at the time of posting ) I do belive that alliance is still the larger faction, both overall, @60 and active WPVP’ers

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