Vote to kick in dungeon finder

Getting vote kicked for no reason at all.
Was healing gundrak tw. After second boss we jump in the water. Been that way since original wrath. So I jumped in. Tank for some reason decided to go around. Vote kicked me in less than 15 seconds. Up to that point I was second on dps, and 0 deaths despite tank and a couple of dps standing in stupid for most of second boss fight.

Wouldn’t be so bad if I could just queue again, but now 30 min deserter buff.

Another system tailored to be abused by toxic griefers. GG.

Oh and btw, just before that they vote kicked hunter… “hunter afk?”
He was top dmg, and probably the only one besides me who had ever been there before…

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Before they added Deserter to getting Kicked, it was also abused by Toxic Griefers.
You’d get a Tank or Healer, who’d be like “Eh, I don’t like this Dungeon. Vote kick me, so I don’t get deserter.”

And then you were either left with not kicking them, so they’d just teleport out and do something else till you kicked them. Or you’d kick them right away and have to wait for a new Tank/healer.

I have been playing this game for very long. Ive been kicked when i deserved it, nothing more nothing less.

Being kicked is never nice and the rage fills you up and you go to forum and make your outrage. The story need to be said in a way that noone are in doubt that they were 3 friends just trolling especially, you.

If that is the case, which i am sure many think is the case , damn cant find a lol emoji, then eat the s… get some water and hopefully the next group will not kick you.

On other hand blizzard could rewamp the dgs system, so whenever somone unlucky like you getting kicked, the unfair kickers should get half a year in suspension. Would that work for you?

A bit extreme, wouldn’t you say? Would be enough for me that they just remove the deserter buff if you get vote kicked. And people who ask for vote kick to avoid it can afk or troll or teleport out all they like, and you can report them for gameplay sabotage.

Or they can just reduce the deserter to 10 min or something when you get vote kicked. The frustrating part about that dungeon was that it was the last one I needed to ding 80, and I was gonna ding and head to bed.

2 times I’ve been kicked ever. One was last night. The other was a few weeks ago when I was playing hunter. Another timewalking. Strat live this time, and tank was making giga pulls. All good. I was using misdirect to help him pull, which is usually welcomed by most tanks.

Then I died in a botched pull, after taking aggro off healer. I asked for a ress, and tank said “i could ress you but Im not since you keep pulling”, and i said something like “what kind of trash attitude is that?”
Got vote kicked. lol.
Then I got a whisper from tank. “lmao. enjoy the deserter buff.”

A lot of grabanzo people in this game. If he’d just taked 10 seconds to write “hunter, please don’t pull” I would have stopped. Instead this guy chose to get silently annoyed, and pounced on the first opportunity to stick it to me. Didn’t care that time. Just did something else for a bit. But the deserter buff when you didn’t actually desert is bs. That’s all Im saying.

Don’t try to reason with whatever happens in LFG. The other day my tank was going crazy because a dps kept pulling ahead, not giving him enough time to aggro the mobs before, sending everyone in a run-and-chase frenzy. Some people are just special like that and you ought to know.

Its all a question of balance.

Do you want to be stuck in a dungeon with someone just determined to ruin other people’s experience or do you want the ability to instantly remove such people…

But what Blizzard SHOULD be doing, is making the kick function not simply one guy picking the reason “I don’t like his nickname” (yes, seen that happen not long ago) and everyone else getting the option “Yes” or “No” and they just hit yes to get rid of the box suddenly appearing in their screen while they’re in the middle of doing something.

Its not a perfect system, Ive fallen victim to a very abrupt loading screen leaving me saying “OK… All I did was follow everyone else…”

But I’ve kicked people who deserved it and more.

You should follow a tank. Tank is the leader.

Mate, I was in a dungeon where they kicked a non-AFK non-trouble making rogue soon after the protection ended.
The reason given?
“Mechagnome >.<”
Talk about LOL

You should be happy such individual dislike you. This kind of guy is the epitome of pettiness.
You’re not someone happy about others misfortune, that’s a good thing

Is that really all that happened though?

Agree with OP, the system is not fit for purpose and should not be in the game to punish innocent players.

Anyone who says otherwise is moronic.

Blizzard should use some of their resources to employ humans to actually assess vote kicks & reports to ensure it’s not being abused and then ban the abusers.

Lazy on Blizz’s part tbh