Vote to kick is a joke

i got kicked from a random bfa dungeon…A RANDOM BFA DUNGEON IMAGINE THAT becuase as they said i didnt pay attetion…even if i didnt died one single time

I got kicked from an Uldaman run once for spamming Arcane Nova while leveling an arcane mage, being the one of only 2 players with heirlooms and doing approx 80% of all the damage in the entire run. Why did I get kicked you might ask? The tank (Other player with heirlooms) told me to stop because he found the sound of arcane explosion annoying. Alas, the rest of the group just clicked yes when he initiated a kick. After promptly threatening me.

rightly so too. That crap spell should come with an epilepsy warning.

At no point did it occur to you how annoying you were being?

Yeah, I suppose that’s true. I guess we can always just advocate for having certain specs blocked from doing dungeons, I think that’d be neat.

I think I got kicked twice and that was because I tried to explain a tank he was doing something wrong. After the second time I just decided to keybind feign death and mind my own business.

Sadly, this is where we’re at. In a game where social interaction should have a positive impact, it’s become the most effective choice to just ignore that aspect.

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