Vote to remove M+ key downgrade

Encountered this one as well. I thought it was a one time bug. I love DF, its a nice expantion, but my god… so many bugs xD

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It is the ecological backlash of culling the poor (“so many”) birds that would prey on the bugs.
It happened in real life too.

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This game has so much timewaste already. But yes.

Stress comes from players pushing hard to get +2 and not tolerant of slippages, mistakes - it is like any sports team.

No it’s not, the stress is coming from the fact that you know that if you invited someone bad through no fault of your own, or something bad happens you will downgrade your key.

That’s what’s causing the stress at higher keys, if it was true that it’s just the timer, then even low keys would be stressfull, but they are not.

So what changes between a low key and a high one? The fact that it’s almost guaranteed it won’t downgrade unless the party members are the worst of the worst.

So what causes the stress based on this? The downgrade, or the timer? Oh boy i don’t know, it’s such a difficult question.

Nothing wrong with abit of ‘‘stress’’ tho.
Its part of what separates keys from a mundane grind imo, abit of excitement.
When you time higher keys it feels like an actual accomplishment, I know i wouldnt feel the same after timing an undepleteable key ive restarted 5 times.

Look, i don’t think you’ve even thought about this.

Go read some comments above and then you will realize that the points you are making are straight up nonsensical.

There is a reason why i didn’t reply to you up until now.

I feel so honored to have a reply from the great Ilyon, all hail.

I have, it seems to me the people asking for non depletable keys hasnt.

Of course they are because they’re not going with your agenda.

Do you have any other great points to make?

The deplete brings nothing to the table, it’s objectively bad, and other people said things that are far smarter than what you contributed to the discussion.

That’s why i originally didn’t reply to any of your comments. You just don’t think. Ill leave it at that.

I may as well get the angry pitchforks aimed at me for daring to say this…

Key depletion is the games way of telling you that you weren’t good enough to succeed at that level and that doing it at a lower level is more appropriate for you.
Whether thats through multiple small mistakes adding up to a failed timer or the unfortunate picking of one “baddie” that ruined they key, the message is the same.
I’d wager that “gosh we’d have made it if xyz hadn’t dc’d for 5 minutes” is the minority of cases, but that can be neither proven nor disproven.

People don’t receive this message well. Finding out theres a gap between how good you think you are and how good you really are can be tough to swallow.

So whats going to happen if keys don’t deplete? You’re going to have a huge amount of people sat on keys at a level that they can’t realistically complete unless the stars align and they will bang their heads against that level like degenerates hoping for that magic run or swapping out perceived baddies until they hit the jackpot. Or, where they lack output they will be doing risky pulls and resetting until they get it right. All awful outcomes.

This is a complex problem. People are averse to “failure” and Blizz hasn’t helped matters. But without the “lows” of failure you can never get the “highs” of success. And keys not depleting will diminish successes, you’ve changed the reward from “skill / performance under pressure” to “persistence”.

A season where you luck out and get an 18 shadowmoon, 2 chest it and then spend the rest of the expansion fruitlessly banging your head against a 20 “hard key” stubbornly refusing to lower it because “reasons” will hurt you in the long run.

Be careful what you wish for.


I dont hestitate to vote yes, but the biggest problem is they refuse to understand this BIG PROBLEM. Time to act it now, the devs!?


But it would massively reduce it

If you complete it and still get loot is it wasted?

It puts a damper on an experience that could otherwise be quite fun. The base elements of M+ are great. Yes, some affixes need to be revamped, but the idea is there–turning what used to be a chore dungeon into challenging 5-man content.

But the threat of a downgraded key takes away from the experience and adds another layer of social stress where there need not be one.

And I must stress, players DO downgrade their keys voluntarily. The other day I ended up with a +19 AV key after timing a +18 COS, and I definitely had that downgraded because I don’t feel comfortable healing AV without my 4-set. And I see other players downgrade their keys all the time for similar reasons. We know what we are capable of, or are at least comfortable with, so let us make that decision.


Yes to this and yes to removing group loot.
Honestly, i also don’t like what the increase in difficulty did to mythic+. I would rather it went back to how it was. It is vastly more difficult to time keys in a non-meta group. It’s not fair to simply make the game harder for some just due to their choice of class.
For example, i love mistweaver monk healer with soothing mists build. I find it super fun, but because it’s not meta and the dps is much lower i simply can’t get into groups above 16 even though i got orange rating and i can easily heal 20’s. If i got more damage, more interrupts and heroism maybe i’d have a chance. It’s bs. This game is terrible. Devs always find a way to sap the fun out.

No - there needs to be a penalty for failing key. Unfortunately if there was no penalty the system would be gamed. However if there was a leaver before say first boss maybe then lax the depletion.

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i would rather having no timers at all till 20 keys level and a harder scaling system

Reading through the argument of all those against a change to deplete

I only read why you think it should deplete based on your expectation to your ecperience

What if there was an option to turn deplete on and off then you could still deplete and change to random
Other key and have fun with that

Then all the majority rest of us could choose to not have it deplete and remove the pointless bad game experience from this

Remeber if your key can still deplete having ours not deplete can in no possibly way affect your game play experience you can still experience the fun of getting it depleted in your group

And if your argument is that then it will
Affect your leader board then I am ok with 2 leadetboards

1 for depleting key setup
1 for non depelting key setup