Vote with your wallet...Tbc Era

If it’s anything Blizzard cares about…It’s money.

If you want Tbc Era or if you want to increse the chance of a Wotlk Era…Let Blizzard know by activating your Classic Era characters…Money talks and this will show them that there is a support for Era servers!


It does not work. Players quit over the years because they didnt like the way the game changed. Blizz cannot differentiate between the reasons for people quitting, or they simply dont care. Most of the pvp community quit over the years and what has happened? Blizz didnt try to improve this part of the game, but instead they focused less and less on this area. Its the same if we quit now. They just think whatever reason, but not what we have in mind.

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This sounds like a great Idea.Unfortunately I have only one clone in Era, if he’s still there (as he was deleted long ago). All the rest stayed there. Or I deleted them in both places to make room for new alts.
Nope, just looked. No clones available, and the restore button says no deleted characters to restore. So no chance.
I only have one level 5 clone, and I’m not going to pay a lot of Euro to have her activated in Era, sorry :wink:

You want us to pay 35 bucks to clone a character to the classic era realms in the hopes of Blizzard opening a different expansion era servers?
Seems like a long shot and a lot of money for something that might never happen.

For classic era, this does not show anything about different expansions.

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They made the desicion based on population of classic era tho…And how much is 35 dollar really to have TBC forever…?

Consider what you are asking, you want people to pay 35 dollars so for a classic clone so that just maybe they can pay it again for the TBC one.

#1 35 dollars is a total rip off price.
#2 A lot of players, myself included, have no interest in playing classic (vanilla) at all. I am glad to have experienced it since I missed most of actual vanilla, but I am never going back there, so I am certainly not paying for it, my interest is in TBC and WotLK.
#3 If you really want to vote with your wallet you do it by quitting the game, we only have this place to begin with because private servers were stealing their potential customers (sweet money bags).

Ppl have quit blizzard for 10 years and that has not made things better…

Are you sure? It did eventually give us this place.

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