Voting Closed -- A New Mount is Chosen

The community are behind Blizz on this choice!
:deciduous_tree: :evergreen_tree: :deciduous_tree: :evergreen_tree: :deciduous_tree: :evergreen_tree: :deciduous_tree: :evergreen_tree: :deciduous_tree: :evergreen_tree: :deciduous_tree: :evergreen_tree: :deciduous_tree: :evergreen_tree: :deciduous_tree: :evergreen_tree:

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A wandering ancient made it to the water!


Anyway almost noone will use it, coz everyone will have it. The same was with deathwing mount. He looks amazing, but noone using it, at least i didn’t see. People will use flying ugly :poop: with 3 polygons graphics, coz its rare and farm it 24/7 to show it - "hey, looks what i’ve got and u don’t!"© casual WoW nerd.


Is the Horde getting a burned one?


Congrats to the nelf druid mount. They really needed something for once.

Give us torch toy


But what about new mount achievements :frowning_face:

Goodbye ability to see quest mobs, hello cities full of trees.

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Now everyone needs to go Night Fae for the fitting Transmog.

Meh, unless it’s a flying mount, I’ll probably never use it.

Welllllllll… Approximately a third of the community, anyway. :smirk:

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I think that mount should change leafs color depending on the season ,that would be nice small touch.


Pfff please.

It’ll be in vogue for a month at best before everyone reverts back to their favorite mounts.

Nope… the alliance is getting the burnt one.


Nelf fanatics that used all 50 characters per account to vote and piss off the horde :eyes:

wow thats a really cool mou-zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz


I just hope that the animations will be different (or at least better) than the ones of the current Ancients. They look so… 2010.

My thought exactly. I assume it can’t fly also. Were the other mounts flying?
I didn’t really care and didn’t vote. The only one that sounds vaguely interesting to me was the book.

meh, it’s free so that’s nice…
a +1 in my mount collection I guess.

Tin foil hat on, the worst one won so we have to buy any of the good ones…

I’m very sad as more big mounts that block everyone’s way are definitely not what we need. How big will it be when a tauren is on it??
I’ll just dream of standing on a flying book one day.

I still feel disappointed that the most popular mount was a burnable trash mount