Voting Closed -- A New Mount is Chosen

Congrats to the nelf druid mount. They really needed something for once.

Give us torch toy


But what about new mount achievements :frowning_face:

Goodbye ability to see quest mobs, hello cities full of trees.

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Now everyone needs to go Night Fae for the fitting Transmog.

Meh, unless itā€™s a flying mount, Iā€™ll probably never use it.

Welllllllllā€¦ Approximately a third of the community, anyway. :smirk:

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I think that mount should change leafs color depending on the season ,that would be nice small touch.


Pfff please.

Itā€™ll be in vogue for a month at best before everyone reverts back to their favorite mounts.

Nopeā€¦ the alliance is getting the burnt one.


Nelf fanatics that used all 50 characters per account to vote and piss off the horde :eyes:

wow thats a really cool mou-zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz


I just hope that the animations will be different (or at least better) than the ones of the current Ancients. They look soā€¦ 2010.

My thought exactly. I assume it canā€™t fly also. Were the other mounts flying?
I didnā€™t really care and didnā€™t vote. The only one that sounds vaguely interesting to me was the book.

meh, itā€™s free so thatā€™s niceā€¦
a +1 in my mount collection I guess.

Tin foil hat on, the worst one won so we have to buy any of the good onesā€¦

Iā€™m very sad as more big mounts that block everyoneā€™s way are definitely not what we need. How big will it be when a tauren is on it??
Iā€™ll just dream of standing on a flying book one day.

I still feel disappointed that the most popular mount was a burnable trash mount

The book was the only that really mattered :sob:

I see people use the Deathwing mount, and I will certain use this mount. Itā€™s quite unique and I like the fantasy of having sentient mounts. Itā€™s great for RP too :slightly_smiling_face:

I would love that :blush: Iā€™m also hoping itā€™s a vehicle, being such a huge leafy boi, it can carry at least one person on each shoulder, and then another on the canopy.

I guess too few of you are LOTR fans to appreciate that this would come to life in WoW :

Full raids of people mounted on Ents assaulting the new raid sounds better to me than riding slime kittens



I tend to have a selection of favourites that come up at random. I do understand some like to match everything transmog wise though :slight_smile:

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