Vrykul- slighty taller than Zandalari

I’d rather avoid yet another human race, like not just Humans and KTs, half the Alliance are just too human looking, and thanks to the blood elves not even the Horde is free of that, I’d much rather more unique races that can’t just be described as stuff like “Human but short, Human but beard, Human but tall, human but ears…”

Well, we can thank KT human body type for not having Vrykuls any time soon anyway…

Yeah, the Alliance needs some fresh air, like Ankoan. The devs have free hands, the race shows a lot of potential. We’ve seen only one tribe, Waveblade, who knows, maybe there is whole civilization, empire of Ankoan.

I’d take those over Junker gnomes, although they are more or less confirmed as AR.

A little off topic: Many players wonder why the Alliance wants one race “that should not be named” because it is too similar, but why not when all we’ve got is not really that distinctive? Junker gnomes and Gnomeregan gnomes will become one “nation” without their indentites on their own (I think same can happen to KTs, LFD and it kinda happened for Worgen, when they are in their human form, which is like half of the NPCs)

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Yeah I agree Kvaldir for horde and the “Normal ones” (Tideskorn) For Alliance. However maybe the horde should get more options with the Kvaldir like the Ymirjar and Hyldnir (The frost vrykul) and for the alliance vrykul as options as you said Sinrae the Valarjar.

I had hoped the Kultirans had some connection to the drust but it seems they just large humans. Like Vaellir said we wont see Vrykul for some time now with KT as playable race. But if the KT could get som “Drust” options since the Thornspeakers KT has adapted to Drust traditions from Ulfar. Like Drust Body/Face War paint. SInce what little we know is that they painted their body blue and had barbarian/vrykul hair and beard style. Also would have liked if they had rexxars sixpack and had more gruff voice instead of captain rex voice. One of the Large Kultiran has that Gruff voice who says “Help, help Im being REPRESSED”.

Also wish there was something left of the drust settlements, which could been used as a permanent base for the thornspeakers, but as we all know blizzard never finsihed Kul tiras island, hell not even boralus. We can’t get in to Boralus Keep. And Boralus was suppose to be as big as Dazar’alor and to be a Raid instance as well but got scrapped due to lack of time. Which I think they should have released BFA as the appointed date which was in September, giving the devs more time to polish and finish the game.

I hope to see the Ogres or Mok’nathal to become playable for the horde or this new horde that Thrall and Saurfang and Baine will create that Rexxar will lead (I mean to lead the ogres or the Mok’nathal).

But Ill quess we will see at blizzcon what will happen/come in the future for Wow.

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