Vrykuls: Different potentials for a playable race

I’ve been brainstorming some potential ways they could add Vrykuls and/or different variants of Vrykuls as a playable race. I’m going into this with the mindset that their height is not an issue, there’s multiple examples of NPCs and important characters being different sizes depending on what the moment calls for.

  1. Stormheim/Island/Howling Fjord Vrykul
    The Default run of the mill Vrykuls, after the events of Legion it’s not unlikely they could be convinced to join either faction. Cool themes like traditional vikings on steroids and runesages. Bonus points if Death Knights can be the frost Vrykul from ICC

  2. Kvaldir
    Unlikely but still, like death knights, possible. After the defeat of Helya the Kvaldir could be free of her control and seek to redeem themselves. Heavily themed around mist and the sea

  3. Helarjar
    The highest order under Helya, it is an order that was created as a mockery of Odyn’s Valarjar compromised mostly of Kvaldir, but there are other powerful undeads in their rank.
    The way they could differentiate these particular Vrykul from the Kvaldir is to make them more like Ymiron, the Fallen King, the first boss of Maw of Souls. He has a distinctive look that is best described as a Vrykul from The Maw in Shadowlands.

  4. Vampire Vrykuls
    I did not just fanfic this up. In Stormheim, Sir Finley gives you a quest to deal with Vampirates, and it turns out they were led by a Vrykul Vampire. There’s mentions in the quest that they came from another island to invade. There’s potential that once we return from the Shadowlands and start sailing again to find this Island.
    Why would a Vampire clan like to join either faction? Well the horde already temporarily allied with some San’lyn, so they’re open to the idea. They could also be in a conflict that we help them out with, which brings me to my next point:

Off-the-rails, completely-out-there idea warning:

  1. Worgen Vrykul
    Now this one I did straight up fanfic, but hear me out!
    Werewolves vs Vampires is an old but great trope, and WoW loves tropes. Besides, I really really want to see their take on a massive, roided out and viking inspired Worgen.
    An infected Gilnean refugee from way back in the cataclysm shipwrecked on above mentioned island, went feral and bit one of the denizens. It spreads fast but vampirism makes you immune to the curse, and vise versa. Vampires quickly realize and spread as many as they can, resulting in a split population that are at odds.
    The Alliance finds out about this and sends worgens and night elves to both help with the feral Worgen curse and to gain an ally, kinship and all that. The Horde also see a potential new ally in the Vampirates because mandatory horde vs alliance drama.

  2. Iron/Gold Vrykul
    The Iron Vrykul was the original Vrykul form before the Curse of Flesh and the Gold Vrykul are ones that have joined the ranks of the Valarjar and made shiny and golden.
    I’ll be honest, I don’t see why they would join the Horde or the Alliance and they are my absolute least favorite version but I have to include them as they are an option.

  3. Undead Vrykul
    Different from the frost Vrykul, in-game I believe these have a single melee and a caster variant of models that are dark, rotting Vrykuls with some bones showing. Given an updated model and more customization these could be a larger version of the Forsaken.

That’s all I’ve come up with so far. Are there any I missed or are there some versions that you think would be cool to see? Lemme know!





Agree with the barbie.
Vrykyl? Whoever asked for those.??

Junk gnomes more popular

You can prefer mechagnomes over big barbaric vikings, I don’t really mind. Vrykuls have been requested since WotLK by people who like the theme, they’re an older race tho so hype’s died down compared to the newer races

Isnt Vrykul another human? Fit and muscular Kul Tiran?

Vampire Vrykul UwU

Yet another flavour of human/elf, oh goodie.

Essentially but with great beards and a bad posture. I think they look distinctive enough for an allied race.
Seriously though, the beards and hair on the 12 year old models look better than anything we have in game now, I’ve looked through them in the Wowhead dressing room recently.

With Vrykul around you’re really not starved for choice anymore when it comes to looking like a human.

Normal humans, fat humans, tall humans, short humans, short firey humans, really short humans and really short mechanical humans.

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I see that as an absolute win, the more choice the merrier.
The Alliance has never gone too wild with their races so it’d fit right in and on the horde side the only humanoid they’ve got are Forsaken, giving them a livelier humanoid would add variety

I’m a 3 foot cyborg.

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