Vsync macro


I am trying to make a macro that simply enables/disables vsync but I am having a hard time making it work because I honestly have no skill in making macros. So here I am, asking if anyone perhaps already made one or know how to? Its for classic btw.

Explanation for why I need it: I have a 75 hz monitor without free-sync but a strong PC. I can either play smooth 75 fps with vsync on with a bit of input lag or 200+ fps with perfect responsiveness but with some screen-tearing. When questing/leveling, I am fine with a bit of latency for a smooth picture but when I’m raiding/PVP, I prefer the better responsiveness over smooth picture and a quiet PC.

Hope someone reads this who can be of help :slight_smile:

/run local k,v = "vsync" v = C_CVar.GetCVar(k) C_CVar.SetCVar(k, 1 - v) print(k .. (v == "1" and " Disabled" or " Enabled"))
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Thanks but the macro does not seem to work. I do get a “vsync enabled” prompt when using it, but according to the fps counter, it does not do anything.

Might need to restart the graphics engine after changing the CVar.
Try this

/run local k,v = "vsync" v = C_CVar.GetCVar(k) C_CVar.SetCVar(k, 1 - v) print(k .. (v == "1" and " Disabled" or " Enabled")) RestartGx()

Note, you won’t see the change reflected in the Settings page until you do a reloadui.

Hm, I know when I change Vsync in the settings menu, its instantly enabled as soon as i press apply with no need for loading so I’d rather avoid the macro triggering a full interface reload if its not needed :open_mouth:

Hitting apply restarts the graphic engine, exact same command I added to the macro. It’s different from reloading the UI.

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