Vuhdo problem, cant solve it myself, need help!

so I have the problem that Vuhdo will auto target me and heal me and not the target on the VUHDO PANEL, IF (BIG IF) I have the same player clicked on as target, so the usual blizzard target with the portrait left up in the corner right from my portrait.
Understood? Let me explain it more clearer and more detail!
If I normally target someone, the BLIZZARD target, and then on the VUHDO PANEL target the same target with the ALT key holding and left clicking on him Vuhdo will AUTOMATICALLY target me and heal me instead of the, for example TANK.
This can potentially in difficult situation in hardcore be detrimental if I heal myself and not the tankā€¦
This problem does not exist if I heal only with left mouse click and not use ALT key!

alt is the default key to cast a spell on yourself when you target someone else, is that the issue you have? If so remove the keybind in the wow interface options

I have auto not alt. I dont think this is the reason, else why does it cast the spell on the tank if I hold alt and left click BUT have the tank not as normal BLIZZARD target and not on me.
It should self cast aswelll. I dont think it is!