Vulpera Appreciation Thread šŸ¦Š

looks at Volā€™jin

Seems not. Though a Troll would be the ideal person to be shipwrecked on a Desert island with, neither of you would run out of meatā€¦

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Sounds good for me!


Maybe they need to lose the entire thing. Crocodiles donā€™t get replacements from merely damaged ones, but the loss of an entire tooth pops out the new one.

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Pretty sure Volā€™jin has his tusks as a spirit.

You canā€™t say anything about Legion when itā€™s broken off, since heā€™s Close to Death (and dies) after making Sylvanas Warchief. No mention if they can or not.

Um, excuse me? If youā€™d like to appreciate the regenerative powers of trolls, please make other thread, yes? This is place to appreciate nice foxies! Now give appreciation, yes? :fox_face:


You donā€™t own me.

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Everytime i meet a vulpera they get a hug.


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When was that released?

The First Wives Club? 1997

Too hip for me, my dude.

Here, from 1971

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Not mainstream enough.

:fox_face: :dagger:

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"Oho! Well, last night was a glorious tale of adventure and daring-do, We had made good passage on my dhow, the ā€˜Fortuneā€™s Kissā€™ with no sightings of krakens, hydras or rocks that inexplicably clash together, you would be amazed how often that happens, even better, no apprehension by customs and excise ships, we arrived at Northrend, where I can confirm, it is very, very cold, like heroes we ventured into a tunnel network, where some neā€™erdowells were conducting operations that were deemed unpleasant, I was hoping for ancient snake gods, or mad priests who rip peopleā€™s hearts out, but we did not see any of those, there were not even chandeliers to swing from whilst laughing defiantly or rugs to pull from under enemies feet. I was starting to feel dejected. There were however two dogs tethered to a post, as an alarm system. Not much point making bravado shouts at dogs, they wonā€™t understand you. Turns out Mariuun is good with animals, he gave them food and they loved him, so we pressed on past. The cave was dark, and frankly smelled awful my friends! It smelled like rats had used it as a toilet, as it turns out, this is because they had! The place was infested by Kobolds, of a most disagreeable nature, o brothers and sisters! Thankfully, our bold crew were composed of myself and Mariuun, and two Sinā€™dorei, Luna and Nefaryas, so with their eyesight and our sense of smell we were not entirely blinded! Huzzah!

We encountered many hardships, and freed slaves, including a human who had been a prisoner so long he did not even know that Varian was dead! He also seemed to think that myself and Mariuun were Wolvar children, turns out he had never seen Vulpera before, well, I suppose he had been a slave in an underground mine for three years or moreā€¦ We had many scuffles and fights, Heroic ones mind you! Though there were no bannisters to slide down whilst laughing defiantly. I may also have gotten stabbed. Fortunately my expensive armour was not ruined, because I had left it on my ship. After some tough fighting, including against an elite cadre of Kobolds clad in, of all things, Saronite armour! No wonder they were crazy! We encountered the prize we had come to seek, we had been paid by a Ranger-Captain of Quelā€™thalas you see, to find a certain person, and bring them in for questioning about some villainous rapscallion of a Renā€™dorei, who has gone so rogue, even the Alliance have disavowed himā€¦

There was however a slight problem, where you get Kobolds in Northrend, you also get Magnataurā€¦

Well, Mariuun planted bombs, and we hatched a plan so cunning you could put a tail on it and call it a Vulpera. Nefaryas had a Demon, a horrible thing of shadow and Void, I canā€™t say I liked the look of it much, looked like the sort of thing I should be swinging from a chandelier, laughing heroically before kicking it in the head and stabbing, but hey hoā€¦

The other Sinā€™dorei, Luna, was a warrior true and bold, with two swords that were actually bigger than Mariuun and I, Well, our plan was simple, yet cunning. Luna would grab the Magnataurs attention, then rush back to us, the bombs would go off, and the Demon and us would attack, all the while laughing like heroes!

Who knew, brotehrs and sisters, it worked! A Bit.

I mean it did punch its way through the rockslide, and then punch Nefaryas, but eventually the brute was slain, and we were able to liberate the slaves, and capture the Quelā€™dorei we were afterā€¦

There were no ancient snake gods and mad priests, perhaps next time.

This done, the others returned to meet our sponsor and I hope get payment, and I returned to my ship and negotiated the sale of a stock of bear pelts I had acquired on the ā€˜never-neverā€™ from a nervous looking Orc in Ashenvale. All in all a successful evening!

Hurrah! Fortune Favours the Brave.

Still disappointed there were no chandeliers to swing from though.

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A tall tail if ever there was one.

Vulpera specialise in tall tailsā€¦ of awesomely foxy derring-do.


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