Vulpera Appreciation Thread 🦊

Don’t know who that is, but doesn’t sound like a cool vulpera.

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These foxes never gonna stop bumping this thread :fox_face:

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I just skinned a vulpera.

Now you’re doing it too.

… and I am as well :open_mouth: Aaah!

They are a cool race with good racials though.

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Because it is the best thread! UwU!


They are just jelous because we have the Royal Society of Gentlefoxes of Vol’dun :fox_face:


Vulpera party time !!! weeeee !!!

fox dance

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oh i love that song …

I thought everyone else who knew of 90’s music were dead or banned from the internet.

I’m born in '94, I know my stuff, okay?

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i born in the 70s and have not aged a half of the years still a teen lel.

Holy crabs, you’re almost as old as Brigante!

Although he’s born in the 30’s.


{Shakes fist and yells something about getting off the lawn}


Atleast i have met Elivs in person not meny can say that lel.

No, cuz I wasn’t born.

What do you think I’m doing right now?

No need to get so passive-aggressive.

You don’t own me.

Jalak does whatever Jalak wants.

Are you one of Jalak’s alts or something?

And if we can have a megathread on high elves, I think one (admittedly overdramatic) post about marked shot is fine.

No, I race changed.

Look at me.

I’m Sigryn now.

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