Vulpera is the best race in WoW!

The only allied race ill never unlock. Never thought blizzard would make something worse as gnomes. But you do you.

so you rather look like a not cute version of shrek?

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orc is the best race, i will not suffer this furry propaganda


They’re nice and I made one to resemble my real life dog that passed away, so I do have an emotional bias, but even then… best… mmmh… dunno about that.

I suppose they are the ‘baby Yoda’ of WoW. :flushed:

vulpera are so sweet and cute! :slight_smile: they should make plushies of them! i made a vulpera warlock for the comedy of a sweet cute little fox summoning horrifying demons


Absolutely the best race without a doubt


Flex all you want foxie. You will never match the edgy cult of death and gore we got around here.

Da vulpera be havin’ some qualities, dat true, but dey still no trolls.

You best be careful mon. She might sit on ya and den it all over.

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Im just happy Blood Elves got black hair colors :sparkles:

tell ya what, your disguise is very convincing
I almost thought you were a human mage

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The one thing I do wish, is that they had a bit more a unique accent, it would be hilarious if they had an australian accent.

any uwu’rs ? UwU

Ofcourse, seen those thicc tighs?

I really can’t argue with that :fox_face:

They’re a Kul Tiran, Salt is in their blood

#flex, let’s just come in peace together, foxes and shreks, as one

Ofcourse my little man!

For the FLOOOF!


No. Vulpera look ridiculous and the people that play as one are weirdo’s.