Vulpera is the best race in WoW!

Bow down to the furry master race! uwu



No thank you

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Well no Thats the Worgen,

They are the best no doubt just for their racials, the camp alone makes me want to race change all my chars to be foxes so I can farm every instance mog/mount without having to spend hours traveling each day, but the whole furry thing just ruins them for me. Horny weebs seem to go everywhere I’m at and tbh it’s getting kind of overwhelming by now

Your race makes me embarrased of having a horde char. Thats my opinion on Vulp.

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You will all be purged, down to the last filthy animal. The day of judgement is upon you.


not going to happen plus

mechagnome is a diaper junk gnome

Are you trying to convince us?

Or yourself?

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Vulpera are awesome in every way! :fox_face: :heart:


Laughs in Zandalari.

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Never thought I’d be nodding in agreement with a human.

Wanna come over to my place for some beers and watch the game?

… too much?

Proper race and makes me proud of having a horde char.

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Don’t make me unleash the clamps on you!

Watch your rotting tongue, corpse.

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Oooooooooooo a feisty one.

The Horde, for all its flaws, must be doing something right if we’re keeping you nice 'n salty. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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Only bad ting is their lack of hairstyles.

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that is just SO cute