Vulpera lore ( The Bilge Rats )

Hello, I’m trying to make a background for my Vulpera, But I’m wondering if I didn’t make a mistake, I can’t find so much infos about The bilge rats crew in Freehold.

How old is the Crew Bilge rats ? Can a vulpera be born in Freehold around 20 years ago or that to old for that ?

If no, what would be the best alternative for a vulpera to not be born in Voldun while respecting the lore ?

Here is what was my first idea :

Born in Freehold, he quickly left the mainland to sail on the “Scourge of the Waves”, a pirate ship belonging to the Bilge Rats clan. He grew up in a brutal and merciless environment. His father, a feared captain, imposed his law with an iron fist, while his mother, an astute navigator, orchestrated daring plans to escape maritime authorities.

From a young age, He was forced to master the art of survival: handling ropes, dodging blows and sailing under the stars. However, he hated pillaging and fighting, preferring to observe the horizon or draw the sea creatures seen during crossings.

Any suggestion would be appreciated.

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