Vulpera music in Orgrimmar

Nobody complains about Stormwind music

its perfect for Alliance capital.

Nobody complains about Lion’s rest have another fantastic composition.

Your absolute confidence in your attempt to justify this imposition of the the fringe minority of furry fandom music, injected into the Horde, despite the Horde players desire to play myriad of other races, as a main theme of the Horde capital and home is what concerns me the most.

It is justifiable to evaporate Ogrimmar from Orbit via Vindicar beams of light and joy.
Just to keep the memory of Horde pure from this…

This is not the Horde of Thrall or Saurfang, this is Delusion.
The only theme which should play in Ogrimmar is Saurfang’s makgora, funeral or Vanilla theme, not this “chill fox people vibes”.


That’s the main theme of Stormwind. Nobody complains about Orgrimmar main theme either.

I’d add that nobody complains about Durotar musics or The Barrens ones, even if it’s more chill themes about Horde.

I have confidence with what I say because I believe that my arguments is strong enough to support what I say. If anything, you should be concerned about your own arguments.

I can’t take seriously an argument aimed at discrediting a race by using their dance as an example.

All dances are out of place in WoW and people don’t care because it’s just fun. If you actually complain about this, you should do the same thing about… well, everyone else.

That would be great additions, but you don’t have to delete an other theme for that.

You know, I just think you want to get rid of this theme just because you hate vulperas. And I’m fine with that. You can hate them. But I see

I mean, where’s the minority ? This thread doesn’t have that much support, and I think there more people who don’t care in Orgrimmar than people who hate it. To me, it looks like you’re actually the minority.

And now that I think about it, you haven’t really contradicted my arguments about why I thought the theme (and Vulperas) suited Orgrimmar. About what vulperas and Horde have in commons.

You’re just complaining about their visuals. And that’s a shame for two reasons.

  • WoW didn’t wait for Vulperas to give players furry-type races. If furry players are in WoW, it’s not because of them.
  • Their story and culture is more relevant when considering why they’re in the Horde. You should take these aspects into account, rather than their dance.

Cause it is the last relevant event which has happened in Ogrimmar and actually represent all the Horde, they all were involved there.
Unlike the Dolly and Dot theme from another continent.

That would be perfect and the most convincing argument for you to dismiss everything, However in reality i regularly do keys with Vulperas and I don’t have any personal hard feelings toward the players who chose to play one.
The idea of removing something cause you hate must be considered further however.

I do not hate Vulperas, what I hate is how you are okay with replacing the Orcish Horde with the ideas which do not belong in the Horde, like chillness, this is not their core value, but may be yours?
And the musicwhich doesn’t have a shred of their themes, but I assume you like it?
May be it is you who hate Orcs and their Brutal, Epic and Masculine themes?

Cause that’s what I am getting when you justify the fact that you have replaced the Ogrimmar music with your chillness and comfiness?

Lets even dismiss this Vulpera furry fandom, why wasnt there a Nightborn music in Ogrimmar? Why wasnt there Zandalari theme?

Both Suramar and Zandalary themes are great, but were never used in Ogrimmar.
So its not about lets be diverse and show our allied races theme on a playlist!

The Vulpera theme, and this theme alone, my guess that is, its about sending the message there is no more toxic male warrior energy in Ogrimmar, its chill and comfy like a Furrycon and it will stay that way.
And my guess why its cause you hate the Orcs and want Horde to be like you - relaxed and detached.
Which frankly shows you have no interest in keeping Horde great or value its lore, you want it to adjust to your believes and values.
And thats too personal, my dear Vulpera fan, you are meant to make Horde be a HOME for all Horde players, including Orc mains with huge shoulders and Conqueror ambitions, who clearly detest these subtle changes to their faction.

So as a compromise I suggest putting Allied Races ost on rotation, Including Vanilla Ogrimmar music and also a special area like Lions rest but for Saurfang with his themes.


Keento warchief?

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Seriously got to ROFL @ the hate of the music simply because of its association with the Vulpera [“furries”, nevermind the fact we had Taurens in WC3 and Vanilla onwards] and the zone they’re tied to…

Doubt these whiners would bat an eye had it been another race there. :roll_eyes:

It is, that’s why it would be a great addition, yes.

You can hate a race without hating the players. I don’t like Lightforged Draenais, but I don’t have any problems with people who play them.

I’ll stop you right there. I know where you going so I tell you that right now, I don’t hate the Horde, orcs or anything Horde related. On the contrary in fact. It’s my favorite faction, even if you count the non-playable ones. You’re going way too far in your analysis.

I’m okay with them, because I don’t see how Vulperas are replacing anything. They’re an addition. Not a replacement.

Really ? Because Taurens are in fact, pretty chill, and they’re founding member of the Horde. Don’t you think you are, in fact, the one who don’t know the core of the Horde is ?

I give you examples of Horde musics that are chill. If you think their place is not in the Horde, then talk about that to Blizzard, but let me remind you that you are far too late ti complain about this, because they’re in since the beginning.

I don’t hate it (I mean, you’re talking to an undead player and Forsaken are pretty brutal and epic too. Not as masculine as the orcs, but they’re definitly not feminine either.

I just think it’s too reductive. What I like about orcs is not just their brutality but the fact that they seeking redemption because they were too brutal, even for their own sake.

Because like I said, it’s an addition. Not a replacement, and I like variety. Especially if it’s still fit to what the city actually is.

That’s a very easy question to answer. Because Vulperas are full citizens of Orgrimmar. They basically live here now. Unlike Nightbornes and Zandalaris, who still live in Suramar and Zandalar.

That theory really seems to farfertched to be actually true. I mean… seriously ?
Does Orgrimmar really changed that much since they’re here ? They’ve just added a theme, nothing more. Orgrimmar music is still here.

Like I said, they probably put this theme because Vulperas are living in Orgrimmar now. No need to see some conspirationist theories behind this.

I don’t think real furries listen to this kind of music to be honest.

A race with an animal appearance and a shamanic culture, made up of rather peaceful beings, is attacked and killed by another race that is far more warmongering. They are helped by the Horde, and together they manage to defeat the warmongers. In gratitude, they decide to help the Horde in return and end up joining them.

It doesn’t sounds like Horde to you ?

Yes I do. I mean, if Horde doesn’t welcome Horde people, then what’s the point ?

But these changes are made to stay, so they should just get over it.

Actually, why not. I like the idea to put a music honoring Saurfang’s sacrifice.

I nominate my Howoling DK as your VP.

Sounds Thrall’s Horde enough.
I dont remember them conquering Ogrimmar though, so no reason to keep only their theme up all the time, since they are an addition, not the highlight or core.

This will be proven wrong, and is generally never a reasonable point. What you experience right now is an Anomaly, birthed into the world by 40 years of anomalous peaceful times, the world and its entertainment will go back to being brutal and unforgiving pretty soon if not already, and the hope that these fringe subcultures are here to stay is Delusion. Search for compromise if you hope any of them to stand the test of time.

Very well. If you show the willingness to compromise and account for the interests of the whole Horde, I am satisfied.

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Because Vulpera are disgusting little creatures that provide nothing to the Horde.

Preach brother, preach.

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Well worth the 16 day later bump :confused: well done rektem.

That vulpera music is so out of place, should be removed ASAP

This has been a bug ever since Vulpera were added as an allied race. I don’t know if this happens only after you unlock, and only for the character that does the quest. Agree it is annoying - sadly Blizzard never notice these type of issues.

Wdym I’m humming it every time I do WQ

It was built by goblins

Valley of wisdom, valley of spirits, cleft of shadow, entire upper part.
There are much of the sandstone and we even have some sort of oasis

The whole point of saurfang’s story is denying of sylvanas’s horde that resembles same horde that created path of glory, whole story arc of horde in warcraft 3 is abandoning old ways and finding new home far from old enemies, attempt to find place to live in a world that rejects your people.
You missed obvious story points

If this music wasn’t associated with vulpera and named just generic “desert music #56353632113” you would’ve not being able to even make a connection to vulpera

Not very orc of you

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I’ve never had ingame music turned on WoW, since WoW was first released. I don’t like ingame music in my games.

Ever since the login screen music for original release and how loud it was, instead of reducing the volume, it was instantly muted and will continue to be like that xD

You missed out on some gems then, like the MoP Inn Kazoo.

I do agree that the constant Vulpera music loop tends to get a bit annoying.
But Vulpera not contributing to the Horde, m8 that’s a stretch.
If anything they remind you what the Horde is all about and truly live up to its core values.

What have you contributed? I don’t remember vuplera being mentioned in any way in the story since they were added in BFA.

  • The Trade consortium is lead by Vulpera
  • The explorers in BfA contain Vulpera
  • Major dragon NPC take Vulpera Visage

What have the nightelves contributed outside preparing a new bonfire for us, and some telenovela drama?

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So, nothing important. Noted.


you make it sound like that wasn’t a good thing.