Vulpera music in Orgrimmar

It pains my ears to hear that atrocious music inside the mighty warrior fortress of Orgrimmar. Blizzard should immediatly do something about it.


*Doesn’t look up from the desk writing stuff

Put music at 0 in settings. Next.

Though if you do want to do something specific about it, I heard Weakauras can suppress certain sound or music files. Not sure about the progress though.

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I want to hear the mighty glorious music in Orgrimmar again. It keeps repeating the Vulpera music for me!


Ogrimmar is now Furry Capital of the Azeroth.
Thank you, developers, from the very bottom of my Alliance core.

Kiro for Warchief 2024


I like the Vulpera theme, it fits the Horde very well (on a more chill way, like the Barrens). But I also think the music is too repetitive compared to others.

Indeed, its unmatched in term of fitness.
Like a drunk plumber in a classical ballet class.


I don’t see why you’re so sarcastic about it. I also said “On a more chill way, like the Barrens”. The Horde hasn’t always had epic musics.

If this theme was present in Undercity, yes, it wouldn’t fit the atmosphere. In Orgrimmar, as the capital of the Horde (Thrall’s Horde), located in a desert (where the Vulperas come from), it does.

That’s weird, it shouldn’t do that for long. Try turning it off and on again. (The music. Give it 30 seconds, then the state of the music player is forgotten)

By the way, the piece of music that annoys me most by far is the music that plays when you do a dragonriding race. I’d much rather listen to the music of the zone I’m flying through.

Modern Ogrimmar was build by Garrosh, there are metal spikes all around you, the city is the iron fortress, the symbol of might and embodyment of Orc brutal, but honorable spirit.

Dont remember the sand in Ogrimmar, it location was chosen by Thrall to remind their people where the come from, the Hellfire Peninsula orange landscape.
Nothing alike Vulpie HQ

Please do Undersity emasculation next.
You know foxes live in the holes, so by your own logic if its underground it is fitting.


There used to be an addon that lets you play any sound/music file from the game, regardless of where you are.

Garrosh’s dead, his idea of the Horde disappeared with him and Orgrimmar continued to change without him, becoming a multicultural capital welcoming many different races. So yeah, it’s just normal that this city has also chill themes now.

I’d also add that Thrall remains and will always remain the founder of the city, no matter how much it changes, so his ideals will continue to prevail over the rest.

Not all deserts are covered in sand.

I know, so ? When I say that Vulperas come from a desert, I don’t mean to compare Vol’dun to Durotar.
I said this to highlight the fact that both races live in desert lands, where life is logically difficult, and they must be resourceful to survive.

I think the theme of the Vulperas fits this description well. And so it also fits the city of Orgrimmar.

You’re not using my logic at all, quite the contrary. Undercity and Vol’dun have nothing in common.

I feel so brainwashed. These days I barely play with in-game music active that I thought that was just new Orgrimmar music.

BfA in general has excellent music composed by fantastic artists.
Its just what is applicable to short fox humanoids and their fans should have never been imposed on the Horde entire.

Although the Horde had always been more welcoming and open to different races and cultures and conditions ( like undeath ), the tail - Vulperas should never run the head - Orcs from Hellfire.
It makes the Horde feel not genuine…

The same Horde, the Saurfang tells us this in BfA cinematic, which comes from the Path of Glory the road filled with Draenei skulls, brought to Hellfire Peninsula as a sacrifice to open the Dark Portal.

There is a point that the new Thrall Horde aims to be better, shown to be better.
Their history and origins should be respected, not replaced by “chill fox people vibes” :face_vomiting:
No reason to mock Horde capital with this music, which clearly doesn’t belong.

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Respect the Vulperas, Karen.


There’s always the jukebox which you can load up with Songs of the Horde music. It predates BFA so you don’t have to worry about furry music.

I had an addon that would let you play your own stores mp3 files depending on the location you wanted. I switched Stormwind music for some Kingdom Come OST, was fabulous.

Too bad the mod wasn’t updated.

The Horde isn’t just about orcs seeking redemption for the massacres they’ve committed. It’s also an alliance of races (most of which have a shamanic culture), who have joined forces to survive. Often against a threat likely to genocide a specific species.
Music should not be restricted to a single facet of a zone. That would be a shame.

No one cares. Honestly even Vulpera rp’ers are tired of it. And Kiro’s horrendous flute skills anyway.

If Orcs are loosing sleep over it. Just change it back to the way it where.

Remember this theme which was played all the time?

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Now there is a stinky Vulpera chill theme in there… My Orc molecules are getting cancer.

No but seriously just get it away if it just pisses people off. Then whats the point.