Vulpera or Pandaren Monk?

Hello guys! Just wondering which one do you think it looks better: pandaren or vulpera monk? I’m torn between the two… Maybe lorewise pandaren are better but I also really like the vulpera…
Thank you in advance! :3

‘‘Panda is the only race for monk’’

-All of my friends

Also vulpera doesn’t fit, they look cute though


Make a trial and see which one you like most.

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They are so cute

Pandaren; the only race that looks right as a monk. Even our icons are paw-based :slight_smile:


Play whatever you like most yourself

Practically every mog for monk fits well on Vulpera, with minimal clipping. Plus they’re super cute, and the animated tail when rolling looks really cool too.

Never been a fan of pandaren, especially when a lot of old mogs stretch across their bodies, making it look distorted and pixelated. Pandaren have very minimal transmogs to choose from without looking idiotic imo.


I just started a Fennec uhm sorry Vulpera Monk I am having fun healing. I have not healed on a monk since MoP… at low levels it almost feels like back in MoP too, but I presume it does not stay that way, it’s a pitty.

That’s me. Î Finally the forum allow me to choose my new char :fox_face:

I do not like the animations of the pandaren and transmogging them is not easy. I prefer Vulpera.

Look-wise you are better off with Pandaren, since most of the monk-style armors were designed with them in mind (atleast around mop where you can find some of the best monk mogs.)

If you care more about racials, namely defensive racials then you should consider vulpera instead because of Nose for Trouble.

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