Can someone quote it? I cannot read X or Twatter or whatever the idiot boy is calling it.
One would think they´d learn after the debacle with orcs and tauren with title “Brother/Sister” in Orgrimmar.
You’d think. I don’t want any ‘human’ orc paladins. I would rather orcs that have a reason that are orc-core. There are many ways to make paladins fit the races without turning them into a generic human-flavoured order.
As Dreadscorch said, it only makes sense that the Silver Hand is there. Best wait and see.
Oh, 100% makes sense the Silver Hand is there.
I’ve given in to paranoia. I am preparing another bigger post with a wishlist of many a take for a holy warrior achetype within all races.
Because if its not something you want then no one should have it right?
I don’t think she’s talking about the existence of Orcs with Human faith, but more about the general archetype for an Orc Paladin.
That makes more sense but the point still stands. There is room for both and I look forward to the interactions between Ghormisa and Orcish Spirit Warriors (Paladin equivalent).
Agreed. I had no animosity towards Ghormisa during my time in LWO and neither do now. I like when the clashes are observed and the characters think to balance between their supposed roots and their actual experienes.
It was fun teaching some of the Recruits the basics of faith on the side and leading them in prayers in Hearthglen back then
I think it is not only desirable but I’d say critical to have each new class addition to any race be properly integrated in that races’ lore in at least a basic fashion, which is something that Blizzard used to do and did try to do for Cataclysm, but which they stopped doing in order to focus more on… whatever they are presently trying to achieve.
OP’s post on how they might conceptualize vulpera paladins is a cool idea and could work for a standalone concept. Though I do think that large sweeping and uniform concepts as a whole are in some ways antithetical to vulpera as a race.
Lorewise vulpera have little in the way of an universal culture aside from their nomadic lifestyle, so any question about how a Vulpera might become anything is probably best answered within the context of the caravan they were raised in. Good job on OP to make the effort of coming up with a decent concept for this though!
I am ultimately of the opinion though that increased homogenization is bad, but I suppose that ship is sailing fast.
This is why I drew from the general beliefs we’ve seen from all. The sands and the basics of its mystical element and worship are in every vulpera from Vol’dun and even beyond, and they have the locked conception of Sands Will Take us and Sands Will Provide. Despite loose and nomadic, it doesn’t impide the existence of some general, albeit loose beliefs.
The rest is just flavouring examples, I did not intend to have anything beyond the Sand Worship as the spotlight. Vulpera don’t have a completely disconnected lifestyle one from another and neither can a caravan alone break all the stereotypes of the general race that traverse to the rest.
It is true and it is held by me that all caravans can have specific cultures. Ones can be vigilantes, others can be war machines, but the general potential of vulpera within and without them all would remain the same given the general upbringing they do come from. The idea of the “Most vulperan vulpera” is already muttered once or twice.
The point of the duneblessed, akin to the Singularity of Light, is to take all into one. All the fight, the suffering, the slaves and the treasure hunters. It is meant to be all in one, a reason why it could be seen as a work of madness or extreme ethnic nationalism in a way.
They have little culture written about them not because it’s a deliberate choice, but because they have little lore to speak of as a whole. It was not something they set out to do as a narrative device, it’s more of a consequence of a meager amount of fleshing their lore across the board.
Being nomads and perhaps even divided by groups would not dissuade then from having a general unified culture and / or faith, of which there are many examples both in Warcraft and real life.
If the “Brother Zugzug” and “Brother TaurenNPC” from 10.0.5 PTR have shown us anything, it´s that the community (or at least the part that cares about the story and is willing to express when they like/dislike something) doesn´t like when non-human races are just given the human version of new class.
If you want to RP orc worshipper of the Holy Light who is an absolute outlier among her people, nobody is stopping you. But the fact is, majority wants the new class/race combos to have lore special to that race.
I don’t recall saying that. You okay?
Yes. It would be incredibly boring outside of very very very limited circumstances such as your character.
Honestly? I wasn’t a big fan of the idea but after reading this thread, I quite like the concept of a vulpera paladin now! Good job OP!
Time to bump this, given the new 10.1.7 Teaser related to Tyr’s Guard, in which we can already see a Kul’tiran wearing a paladin armor.
If this is not already a declaration of intentions, it is at least leaning towards that.
Here’s the broader post for other Paladins. It’s a mere list of suggestions given what I could collect from others.
I like how Tyr’s blessing gives them a very lazy recolour of the Silver Hand tabard.