Hello, I’d like to know if I am able to roleplay a vulpera that was born outside of Vol’dun? I feel like I should be able to roleplay this. Because I feel like the vulpera are also a travelling race and they’ve been around for some time according to lore. So someone must’ve travelled across the sea to kalimdor or eastern kingdoms?
Can’t imagine any reason why not. Like you said, the Vulpera clearly get around. Several of them have served on pirate ships. Some probably left at some point, and not necessarily back to Vol’dun. After that, who knows where they might’ve gone and had kids?
You can certainly roleplay a Vulpera from anywhere. The fact that they’re nomadic wanderers by nature, very discreet and like to hide… and not shy to climb aboard pirate ships - you could roleplay one from pretty much anywhere in the world without stretching the imagination much.
I like how much of an open book they are.
Prety much what Dalric said
The vulpera have lived in Vol’dun as free traders and merchants for countless generations
We don’t know exactly when Korthek decided to turn away from Sethraliss took Sulthis Key and form the Faithless/Shetrak Empire and became Emperor… and enslave as many Vulpera as they could find, but my two copper is, it wasn’t that long ago.
Okay, its true both Vorrik and Korthek were present for the defeat and sealing of Mythrax roughly 16,000 years ago, and were still active as of Battle for Azeroth (so these snakes might be the most long-lived biological species on the planet, older than the night elf race) but I don’t think the formation of the Faithless happened long ago… the events simply don’t add up. The Zandalari used to worship Sethraliss alongside the snakes, before Vol’dun bacame a desert, and after that they sent exiles there to die, a practice that they continued in the reign of Rastakhan
If an Empire bent on world domination of an Elder race - that remembers the time when the Trolls played hide and seek in the swamps of Nazmir - would been there for years or houndreds of houndreds of years I’m sure the Zandalari would mobilised their army and would kept a close eye on the mountain chain that seperates Vol’dun from the rest of the 'continent" and their Empire… my speculation, but I think based of some common sense
But in any case, be it years or longer slavery and such, the Vulpera merchant were present in Dazar’alor way before the death of Korthek and the (partial?) collapse of the Faithless Empire, so even the non-pirates travelled a lot
But I gues once the first Caravan reached the shores, the clever foxes built/sto… liberated a ship and continue to journey (a bit like the Tortollans)
And the pelt color and patterns are another factor. A race rarely develope “color” without reason (and in the barber shop you could see the jungle, forest, desret, etc variants)
White pelt is usually for arctic climates, to better hide, stripes and such for forest/jungles, like the ear shape and size for deserts, etc
My theory iss, lots of vulpera travelled to these enviroments (maybe exelerated evolution by magical means took part like the controlled enviroment in the Un’goro crater , the goblin project, or the Well of Eternity for the Trolls, Pandaria’s Vale in case of the jinyu, etc) then descendants went home and spread those traits
Feel free to be a Vulpera not from Vol’dun , lots of… fun happens on a pirate ship, and childrens tend to born outside of borders
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