Hey, I decided it was time to solve this problem and it has been going on for a long time.
Character still keeps moving after releasing keyboard keys (W) he walk for 0.5 or sometimes 1 second. This is quite problematic, especially when playing rogue where I want to stand behind someone and my character keeps walking until I finally can’t use Ambush, for example.
I will add that this only happens when I walk longer (I hold W longer)
This happens both when my latency is 44 ms and when my latency is 150 ms, it doesn’t matter. Does anyone know how to fix this?
This is usually down to packet loss issues. Before you run any tests make sure your router has been turned off for a 3 minute period to clear any caching issues that may be causing the problem. Grab a copy of WinMTR. Find out what Blizzard IP address you are connecting to.
You can do this by opening the Resource monitor and seeing which IPs are already connecting. Run Wow and watch to see what IP the game is using. While you are checking this resource monitor check to see if any programmes are hogging the bandwidth.
Put that IP address into WinMTR and let it run while you play the game. WinMTR send very infrequent packets across all of your connections leading to the Blizzard server. You will not see any difference in response time. I run this until I see an issue, sometimes for hours.
The output will show you the number of hops that are being made to get to blizzard. Some hops will return a no response ping request. This is a security feature to prevent DNS attacks on important critical infrastructure.
What you should be looking for is a high amount of misses that are reported in the loss column. Or a wide variation between best and worst ping on a specific host. If you find a particular host is causing an issue then you can search for the owner by double clicking the host name in the app. Then copy the IP address in the tracker site. I use https://www.ip-lookup.org/location
I hope this helps. GL
Blizzard has a guide somewhere on this, but I don’t have a link at hand. I don’t think I have missed anything out, but if someone can provide that link then it would be helpful.
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