Wanna buy Elemental Lariat. How can I do it?

I dont understand how the crafting works. And the proffession ads on trade chat are confusing. Can anyone help me understand it? What should I do?

/2 LFC Elemental Lariat ilevel XXX

put in XXX ilevel that interest you 392, 405 418 and spam it

Can 418 be crafted without the primal infusion thing?

no , 392 with no infusions

So whats the talk about proc so long that it gets to 418. Whats the role of infusion in that.

Nothing. Proc relies on crafters inspiration. Infusion makes item betqeen 393- 405 or 406- 418. Whichever lvl will it be depends on JC skill and inspiration proc chance.

Each crafted item has 5 quality levels.

Without Primal infusion the ilvls for the 5 quality ranks are:
382 - 384 - 386 - 389 - 392

With primal infusion:
395 - 397 - 399 - 402 - 405

With concentrated primal infusion:
408 - 409 - 412 - 415 - 418

Depending on the crafter skill, they can craft an item at a certain quality (one of the 5 ranks) and there is a chance (depends on the inspiration stat) that they can craft the next higher rank. The crafter skill depends on how much gold/effort they invested in leveling up their professions and also what they specialize in. For example a Jewel crafter may be specialized in rings (crating them at high quality) and not in necks (crafting them at low quality)

The role of primal infusion (or conc. primal infusion) is that it increases the ilvl of crafted item (as explained above), but also increase the difficulty of the recipe. The increase in difficulty means that more skill is required to achieve higher quality.

  • Ask in trade chat for a crafter that can craft the necklace. You will probably get a lot of offers.
  • Ask them what rank/ilvl they can make, and what are the chances for proccing the higher rank.
  • Ask them what is their initial crafting cost. And since it’s a chance to get a higher quality, ask what is their recrafting cost (many offer recraft for free).
  • Ask them what quality of reagent they need to achieve the desired quality. A higher skilled crafter can craft higher quality using cheaper mats. Factor that in the cost.
  • Since you will probably get multiple offers, choose the one that gives you best quality or cheaper cost or higher proc chance (factor both the crafting cost and material cost).
  • To protect yourself against scammers (who may lie about the quality they can achieve), when sending a personal order, set the minimum quality to what they claimed they can guarantee (without the proc). So you will know you will get at least that quality or your materials/fee back. they won’t be able to finish the order if they can’t guarantee that quality.
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