Want to Give Roleplaying in WOW a Shot

Greetings and salutations everyone! Hopefully this is the right place to post something like this.

So I am a returning player to wow, at least to a level where I’m actually using a subscription. With the extra I found myself in, given the whole situation with the world right now, I thought to try out roleplaying in world of warcraft, and was recommended this server for that.

So I guess that’s more or less it. Just wanted to hi, perhaps meet a couple nice people, and if any of ya have any tips for someone looking to get started with roleplaying in wow, I’d be quite grateful! (disclaimer: I already RP, just I’m used to roleplaying in forums rather than in a game, so advice pertaining more towards finding partners in-game and other specifics to roleplaying in that medium would be the best advice).

Thank you all for reading, hope you have a great day!


First of all, welcome to AD, second, what sort of char do you usually rp with?


Welcome to Argent Dawn!

When it comes to starting RP, the first reply in this thread may help: https://eu.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/thinking-of-starting-rp-where-to-begin/18834/2

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Zagkush I still gotta figure out exactly how to make quotes and stuff… hopefully the message reaches you properly. In any case, to answer your question, if you mean characters I roleplay in forums there is naturally a large variety of them, but there are a couple themes I tend to focus on, namely exploring matters of guilt and regret, and I’m a sucker for self-sacrifice stories, albeit those would take a good amount of build up to be effective. I also often play child characters (I find the curious and innocent perspective they have both fascinating and useful from a narrative perspective), but that probably wouldn’t work in the in-game medium.
If you mean in terms of roleplay in wow, then I don’t have experience in it yet. For now the most enticing options are a forsaken or worgen for races, and druid or death knight for classes. That said, my actual choice will probably come from a strong character idea coming to me.

All are pretty good choices, but I would say start with druid, dk is a herioc class, not fit for beginners so I say a worgen druid but this is just my opinion.

As for a guild for your worgen, Dirge of Teldrassil is one guild that comes to mind.

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If you do choose to RP a worgen, I can recommend the guild Nightfall Brigade for Gilneas themed RP: https://eu.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/gilnean-rp-nightfall-brigade/54898

I briefly was there myself on another character and liked it, but, sadly, time constraints don’t allow me to RP more than one character at once.

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How should I go about attempting to join a guild?

Search a bit here in the forums or check who on the friends list tag, type the name of the guild ur interested and see if anyone is online that can talk to you.

I’m sorry, I don’t understand?

My bad, not focus enough, there is a tab on your friends list ingame named who

Here, please put the link together

‘https ://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/677961171411664919/695746328503910400/InkedWoWScrnShot_040320_221049_LI.jpg’


Alright, saw it! Thank you very much!


Sorry it took so long but not one to expose my contacts on the forums because of who may be watching, just being cautious.

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Just go through this forum and try to find a guild that sounds interesting to you then contact them in game with either /who “guild name” or try to speak to the GM directly both will work

I say it’s 100% important to join a guild as your first step into the RP world


No, no of course! I wouldn’t blame you for that or taking long (For God’s sake, you’re taking time out of your day to help me, far from me to complain), in fact it’s commendable to go to such lengths.

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:blush: Have fun in Argent Dawn.


Another good idea is to try out public events and content. Some may not always suit you, but there’s listings regularly on this forum, or on a website called Argent Archives, which is a roleplaying information hub.


But everyone else is right. You can get by without a guild, but it’s a lot harder. There’s plenty of great ones out there so don’t worry about taking your time.


Hi! I’ve dipped my toes into forum RP before, and the key difference is that everything is a lot more intuitive and faster- and shorter, going by the forum RP I’ve done a while back. I think just about any character/race can fit you just fine, I think you might have a vague idea of some racial/class themes through playing the game as is, though- so, honestly, just go by what feels right for you lore-wise.

Hope you have a great time with this different brand of roleplay, though! :heart:


Welcome to Argent Dawn and WoW RP!
Some really good advice by some really neat people has been given so far. There’s a lot of great guilds around, which can be a good way to get started in RP, but you can also often find RP on your own.
You can also check out RP events here: Calendar: Upcoming Events ✨

Hope you have fun!


Good to know I’m so apreciated by the comunity.


Welcome to AD and RP. Quick summary of tips I can give you…

  • argentarchives. org is a thing. Great place to check out community events, guilds and make an appealing profile for your own character.

  • Use an RP add-on. I highly recommend Total Roleplay 3: Extended. But there are other options available. This lets you customize your character, add a backstory, full name, loads of other stuff that other players also get to see.

  • Often guilds do recruitment on the forum here (including my own) so keep an eye out for those if you struggle to find a community you fit in!

  • Avoid DKs or DHs as your first character. A lot of guilds don’t take them because they’re too powerful and they’re too emo / edgy to really lend themselves to easy walk-up RP

Hope this helps! Enjoy your stay on AD and may you find plenty of fun people to play with.