Want too form M+ push team

Hello i would like to form a m+ team that can push higher keys (15-16-17-18) for now
My role is havoc DH 1.4k rio
Available spots
Battletag meidfusion#2997

1.2 k blood/prot warrior also looking for a team to push 15 + with.

Hi, I’m a 1.4k rio horde priest healer (both healing specs).
I’m interested in pushing higher so if you want me my btag is nieh#2598.

Bnet Danjidani#2649

  • holy priest ilvl 418
  • resto druid ilvl 410

raiderio currently aprox 1300, just wanting to push above 15’s…
Made this druid 3 weeks ago and loving it to push further (more easy compared to holy priest)