Wanted: IC book publisher

Hey guys,

I sadly have no overlook on the instutions, that publish IC-books :confused:
Therefore I ask for your help, to find one ^^

I want to publish some notes of my character about the compositions/music themes he creates. It might not be of interest for the better part on the community, but nonetheless I want to create a flat plate of music above the lore, I want to give my music some lore and objects roleplayer could act out if wanted.

Thank you very much!

Ksaal alias Shrar alias Neomar Thallast


Wasn’t there a library guild in Stormwind?

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Stormwind Library guild!

Also very sad to see it locked :frowning: damnit, we should have a bump announcer so people can see when threads expire.


I would install TRP3: Extended and use it’s object creator to make your own items/books, you can then trade these to other players with the mod, i’ve used it to make a few IC books/tomes.

Thank you two! :))
And yes you are right! But maybe this is an oppurtunity to rework the appearance of the guild within this forum? :slight_smile:

Hey man o/
I know trp3 extended and Gryphonheart too! I used to work on them, but I figured out, that I rather want this little work on an entity, which collects literature from roleplayer as a community, you know? The whole purpose is to give this work a place to share, not a link to use. But I have to admit, the idea of a trp3-item is… appealing to me!
Did you published your books? And if I might ask out of curiosity: What was the theme and purpose of your books?

K. alias S. alias N.T.

Wrote a Necronomicon that I sometimes provide certain indivudals during roleplay and is something I still tinker with, will post my latest edition once we have some of the new lore from shadowlands to play with :stuck_out_tongue:

The Necronomicon - An IC Necromancer RP guide

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Sounds really cool! My druid, Ottolyn, is a printer, if you want to do it IC. There’s also the aforementioned library, and the T.N.R. Rees bookshop which still opens infrequently (they have a big list of IC books, and I made up a bunch of Azerothian publishing houses for them because that’s the sort of thing I do with my free time).

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Ah nice one!
On the german servers we have also a librarian, I could translate this [via Deep-L and own skills] and send it to her, if you want :smiley:
This is a nice little article :3

Allrighty :diya_lamp:
First of all: I love your dedication and attitude towards this subject. That is the breath, which brings life into this universe: the detail. The heroes and legends attract attention and take them into this world, but the passionate ones, who invest in the little things, are the reason people will stay even after all legends are told and the heroes died.
I do some poetry too, but since it is german, the translation would be awful 90% of the time. ^^
Can you add me on discord, so we can arrange a meeting more easily? Shrar#2822

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I’d like to shill my fellow guildie, Olodren here. His character is a published writer as well, you could hit him up about it in-game or otherwise.


If you don’t mind publishing the works of a faction neutral DK, I’ve written up two volumes in a series of bestiaries on Northrend I’d quite like to publish, and I’m slowly working on the third volume. I haven’t really found much in the way of a Horde equivalent, but if there is one I’d like to hear of them too.

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