War Mode - A middle finger?

:joy: How do you figure that’s my logic? Taking things out of context to try and strengthen your own resolve just shows the childish mentality you’re peddling. Nowhere have I hinted at wanting rewards for doing nothing. So try another one.

Below is your context

If that is not wanting wm benefits without turning on wm, what is it?

Maybe if you state what you actually want, it could be discussed like you requested.

I’ve made it quite clear what I ‘want’ haven’t I, you only have to scroll up a bit to see that. It’s not my problem you’re unable or unwilling to accept someone else’s opinions on a subject because they defer from your own. You’re just replying now for the sake of replying and being an argumentative child. You’re not bringing anything new to the debate just going over the same biased wm stance. Thus I think it’s time for you to move on and troll someone else s topic. You’ll not get another reply from me. Good day.

Ok, since some ppl dont have the mental fortitude to understand the issue thats being discussed ill give you an example.

Lets say u where trying to do arenas ( for gear or conquest cap who cares why) and every 10 minutes a raid of opposite faction jumps u mid arena and kills you then corpse camps you for 10minutes before leaving. (and also in this scenario u can do bgs but it gives less gear and conquest, but you are safe while doing it. gear is also daily capped) would u enjoy the arenas?

(also for clarification arenas = warmode and bgs= not warmode since some ppl in these threads have problems understanding.)

I agree, if you’re saying a player should accept less rewards for a more fun (to them) experience.

Not clear to me, you could have quoted where you state what you want. Do that and we can discuss.

Whilst I’m not completely sure what you’re trying to get at (this topic was pointed at pve) I can answer your question. No, no I wouldn’t enjoy arenas, in the same way I don’t enjoy getting ganked then spawn camped by lvl 120’s with nothing better to do, forcing me to turn off wm and forgo the nice bonuses to pve.

Your peope are the blight in WM, Alliance in Mechagon is already awefull enough but many also play like you. Never assisting then simply telling me if I want rares I should go WM off. Harvester was lost (for the 7th time), it was almost dead by me and a pala holding it, we asked for help to kill it or to wipe out the increasing amount of Horde which were arriving. Nobody
 NOBODY CARED! The person who made the turn WM off for rares comment asked for help because he was ganked once, I didn’t come. I want him to have a horrible time so I get into shards who will fight for things instead of like you:

“Turn on WM for the talents, quest XP and/or rewards but not even willing to do any occassional PvP whatsoever.”

I want you guys to actually go WM off. Because you guys anger me almost on a daily basis, you see the same with Horde only in an other way. I got attacked, I though I was a goner, but 2 of the horde ignored it. But the moment they saw I couldn’t overwhelm my opponent (it was a battle of equality) only then they proceeded to join in and gank my corpse 3 times.

WM is better of by having everybody who only wants to fight with a 100% win chance only or will evade any combat at any cost possible if they just quit. WM isn’t that you should fight everybody all the time, except a few nobody has that mindset but what behaviour of what I see from players, Alliance and Horde alike, disgracefull.

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Were I a more spiteful man I could say something like:

“No pvp gear and dragonslayers destroying people in pvp through sheer gear advantage - a middle finger to pvpers?”


Sure, just start your own topic.

Yeah, I kinda got bored reading your wall of moaning.

Of course you would, you only turn WM on for the extra skills and/or rewards. Then proceed to call it moaning or crying when people get sick of people like you in WM, never willign to help or compete for objectives. I hope they remove the skills, I hope they remove all bonusses except the airdrops. The sooner we get rid of you people the better. The people who only play for extra stuff and thus avoid all PvP 24/7 or only fight when odds are massivly in your favour that you jumping in didn’t make a difference anyhow.

It’s one the few things I can agree with Ion with, we need to get rid of tourist of WM. The ones who turn it on purely for rewards or because it’s so safe and you hardly encounter Alliance anyhow as Horde players. Nothing more infuriating then to see many people just don’t caring and leaving you to die when they could turn the tide around quite easily.

It’s my 2nd most annoying point of WM, #1 just being the massive unbalance of Horde vs Alliance.

I think maybe you should have a quick look at my OP. Get back to me when the penny drops

Well, yes. It is indeed a middle finger in the face to players. Turn warmode on as Alliance and feel it get punched right in your face. That’s the problem with warmode. Sorry for not agree with you on your topic, but what I believe you are trying to say is that is it unfair - because those who enable warmode get four more talents to go with, and bonuses for everything they do in the game.

Thing is, if you are dead all the time, you won’t get the 10, 15, 25 or 30% bonus. Because you are dead.

What I mention is, of course not a new topic. Faction balance does not exist, sharding is a heavy problem, and with all that said again since thousands of people already has said this before - warmode is a 10% bonus in favor to the Horde.

And from what I can tell from the feedback - Actiblizzy haven’t done anything to balance this problem. That’s the middle finger.

And no, it doesn’t matter about skills or being bad/good at a certain aspect of a game when it’s you against five or more players. Group up? Yeah, try that as Alliance. Then you have your five man group up against 25 Horde Players instead.

Call it balance. Some call it balance. Some call it good and fair. I call it a middle finger.

I just have to ask. Why on earth the OP would care so much “pvp talents” anyway?
They are disabled in raids, dungeons, m+s. What are you going to do? Oneshot a boar which you can already do with a basic filler spell anyway?


War Mode = Hard Mode. Easy mode (WM Off) you don’t need extra stuff.

ahahaha mean, but funny. :rofl::rofl::rofl:

The Bonus is NOT a middlefinger to pve’ers but a compensation for that fact that their road to max level will be “harder” then pve’ers aka they can be ganked anytime.

(how wrong it is that the alliance bonus is sometimes 3-2 times as high as the horde is something we should debate in another thread)

i hope so :slight_smile:

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Says the alliance, sigh.

Oh, and er, capital ‘I’ and a full stop after so. Happy to educate.

What does being Alliance have to do with it? Your complaint is about War Mode benefits not being available to players with WM off - faction is irrelevant to that.

You’re still unable to explain why WM off PvE’ers should get WM benefits.

i m currently playing both factions and have wm turned off on both.
so your comment to me is invalid.

i just wish there were no bonuses at all for wm, because you should just enjoy wpvp and leave people out of it who hate it. Giving people who hate it a reason to turn it on is stupid, because they will still hate it and only participate in large number groups

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