War Mode etiquette

Hello everyone.

So im making this thread due to a conversation I had with a friend about War Mode and if there are any universal unwritten rules people follow regarding it and if so what peoples views on it are on them, or is everything fair game?

So my own rules are not to vulture people at half health and/or are already fighting mobs, Not to pointlessly kill others way below my own level, Im not a ganker I think its petty and a single revenge kill is ok but you break any of my rules all bets are off and im hunting you down repeatedly.

Now I ask this because I was talking to my friend about how the other day a Warrior lvl 106 (I was on a Monk lvl 104) In High Mountain was questing near me he was in a mob fight at half health so I let him be and did my own thing he finishes his fight heals up and then he vultures me at half health while im in a mob fight. So I hunted him down and killed him 4 times to the point he ran when ever he saw me I had 20% speed boost so I kept catching him. I would have continued but he disappeared. Now my friend says I took it to far and should have left him be after killing him twice and I took it to far and people doing so can ruin the game this way?

Before you say it yes I know War Mode is optional im asking for those with it on.

So I would like to know do you have any unwritten rules if so what are they and what do you consider fair game? Is hunting someone down repeatedly excessive? Is there anything about War Mode you think that ruins it?

Nope, no rules.
Everything is fair game.


There are no rules. But rp’ers like to make up their own rules, and their giant ego makes them expect others to play by their made up rules. Ofc every rp’ers personally defined rules, unique to them, are somehow the official unwritten rules of wow wpvp, lol. How about no.

Our wm survey indicates that most in wm forum community don’t play by unwritten rules, and will corpse camp without mercy :relaxed:


If it’s red, and I can kill it, it’s dead. If it’s red, and I can’t kill it, I’ll find a way to kill it anyway. If I don’t like a particular red, I’ll place a campfire, and check back from time to time.

Unless I have better things to do, in which case red might survive.


Red = Dead
I was never given any mercy by the horde and I shall not offer it to them either


I don’t think you took it to far, I assume when the player attacked you it was with the knowledge of the possible outcome.

And the player even had an escape plan, so I guess it worked as intended :slight_smile:

It can ruining the fun if the victim is a lvl 20 and the other is lvl 120, but I wouldn’t go so far as saying the game is completely ruined - more discouraging :slight_smile:

I might have unwritten rules, but right now I can’t really think of any :thinking:

I don’t think pvp is fair game at all, and it doesn’t need to be.
I am not a pro player, and I will never be good so for the game to be fair I have to come across equally bad players as me.
And I know a lot of pvp players are not bad, so it would be impossible to ask for :wink:

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Mostly I’ll kill just two times. 3rd time they stand still and dont fight back, morale broken lol. Except hunters and paladins. Those i sometimes camp for 3-4 kills.

I do engage when they’re fighting mobs, trying to make it so that the mob would strike the killing blow for repair cost.

I’ll also repeatedly sap their hearthstones untill DR lol and then attack.

I also gank in boralus market quarter, sub 120 are favourite targets, or someone who’s in the middle of crafting something.

You gotta pay for that warmode bonus bois.

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It’s called War Mode for a reason. There are no courtesies or rules you should follow - you see, you kill.
The ONLY exception is if you come across a low level grinder. I’d say let them be. You gain absolutely nothing from killing them, and we want wPvP to grow, not scare people out of it.

Think it’s all up to personal ‘‘rules’’ :stuck_out_tongue: . I personally would kill that person only once, hope they learned their lesson. Either way I am the type of person that won’t attack people unnecessarily and even when they do I sometimes give them the benefit of the doubt (it REALLY depends if or how salty I get lol). It really depends on what quests I have active also and how fast I want to get done, though.

The ones scared out of wpvp, by pvp, are good riddance.

No rules means kill em all.

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Well this is alot of good information. That survey especially. I will have to start being more ruthless it seems.

Thanks all.

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