War mode in 8.2 is trash

Thank you blizz, nice wm.
So, I either turn it off or die, because this is totally horde based. There is no way to do any of the new content with wm on unless you are ready to fight 10 vs 1.
Oh, can someone explain why Jaina one time is a raid boss, and now is completely useless and doesn’t even defend the base.
This week only I have been forced out of Nazjatar three timers because the horde was completely storming our main camp.
What about the wm only events? Good idea but trash again. I spent 30 mins doing stupid content just to find myself phased towards the end to a layer where the scores were completely different invalidating all of my efforts.
And to the ppl saying to turn it off, why should I ?!?! Thers a 20% more reward from wq and some content is limited. It is not a solution to not use broken content, the solution is to fix the issue, but obiusly blizz is not capable of it.
8.2 could have been really good, but so far is a pain in the…

Because we defeated her in the raid? Dohh?

Well, this is the treatment cowards like your devious faction deserves. I hope you enjoy it.

What efforts? What you do in this so-called WM that requires effort?

Because you are noob? Maby? I dont know…

So thats the main reason why you cry. Not because you want to do world pvp, because you cant farm world quests in peace without being harrased by us…Now it makes sense…

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Nice bait buddy…

weee love killing her free honor

wm off pls.

Warmode is not free xp/gold/ap/rep mode.

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Belive me its not only hordebased. Alliance started grouping up in 40 player raids to takover some shards. Sad thing is: there are still much more shards horde outnumber us.

This is bad gamedesign. Blizzard knew it will happen - and they just let it happen.

I wrote a ticket. Anwser from GM: there will not be a solution in a good time. Tipps: do raiding old raids. M+ or turn Warmode off.

I still vote for deactivating any of PVE Bonus in warmode. Not % to nobody - no AOO quests.

Parking a outnumberd fraction to an empty parking-shard and let them die cause its boring. Stop let ppl group up in raids. (Last only if they fix that fucing sharding!)

Turn of warmode is no option cause of the situation. We just have to be as loud horde was on 8.1

Yes it is.

I‘m sorry no. I better whine in Forums than turning it off - but all day i log in i‘m short of go to SW to do it.
Stay strong!

fyi, you can turn off at any rest area.

Yeah i know - but i wanted the drama :smirk:

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Classic horde speaking. As long as you are on the winning side why would you even care about this issue. Its not for the 20% i cry about, its because doing world pvp has no meaning now. Patetic, this is why blizz dont care about fizxing this: as long as the majority of ppl playing the game are horde side they will never really get the point of the situation. I am noob, maybe yes, but i will defenitly never get better if i am forced on 10 v 1 each time i try do some pvp.

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It’s a multiplayer game. You can solo, but expect to be ganked, this is normal in wpvp. War Mode = gank mode.

No if the phasing mechanism puts huge raids against very few ppl, thats the point: wm is now incentrated on making a raid group and ganking other faction, removing the idea of casual fights in open areas and stuff like that. If i wanted to do 40 ppl group i would be doing raid progression instead. But hey, its just an opinion, im not here to judge your tastes, if u like ganks go for it.

Like or dislike, wpvp = ganking.

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I from now call mechagon Hordegon, WM Raid Mode and Nazjatar 40 vs 0/1/2/3. Will is broken.

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