War mode is the best addition to WoW ever

Just want to say that I have been stuck on a PvE realm with massive horde underpopulation for over 13 years. Unwilling to move for nostalgia reasons and a massive PvPer at heart, I always struggled to find fair fights, or people willing to flag for PvP. I tried to combat this with setting up massive PvP events, which were situated at the horde capital, so the horde would have an advantage. This sort of worked but was destroyed in around MoP.

Even though the personal aspect of hatred for the other faction is gone because you never meet the people again, I must say that I am really grateful for war mode and that I have finally been able to fulfill my life-long dream of playing on a PvP server. I have enabled it as soon as it came, and haven't turned it off since. I have honestly never had this much fun in an expansion. I will never have to go through the frustration of people's pvp tag disappearing again.

I sincerely hope this great concept is expanded upon even further!
Ye it's awesome! Great variety in War Mode; solo 1 v 1, small groups, mid size groups, big groups, all different random experiences. So much better than Legion, and I liked Legion WPvP... but this is better by a huge margin.
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This is a very very stupid opinion.
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Yes the best addition ever to make Alliance extinct.
Lol, are you on drugs? You were playing on pve realm. What have you expected?
03/11/2018 11:57Posted by NatƔllka
Lol, are you on drugs? You were playing on pve realm. What have you expected?

Nothing in particular? But warmode allowed me to do what I wanted and was not able to on a pve realm.

Do you really think I thought hard about choosing PvP vs PvE realm when making a character 14 years ago?
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Personally own servers enemy did spice it up some extra, more dedication etc etc.

So you are telling me you were playing for 13 years @ Normal / PvE expansion and you couldnt spend 25 euro for a transfer?Or even 150-200k gold to buy game token and pay with that for a realm transfer?

Well , apologies but i couldnt care less for your drama.
If you were a PvPer , how did you stuck on that Normal realm then?
8 years ago when iā€™ve started the game , i was total clueless and noob but i always knew i was gonna start the game for PvP. Thats why iā€™ve chosen one of the top tier PvP realms back then.

When i saw that all realms turned into Normal , i just wanted to killmyself.
Even now each time i read the word ā€˜Normalā€™ next to Ravencrest , im facepalming.


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Lol, no. It was not because I couldnā€™t afford it, but because the community tied me to the realm.

8 years ago was after the notion of PvP/PvE was already well-known, even from other games. And ā€œtop tier pvp realmsā€? Please tell me how you would choose that at release.

I agree, finally have something to do when iā€™m not doing instanced content.

So many noobs to farm when youā€™re on the underpopulated faction and the angry whispers are great. :sunglasses:

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You donā€™t understand what Iā€™m saying, there was nothing like ladders or rating at releaseā€¦

Iā€™m pretty sure he talks about the very first, since he wrote in the first post that heā€™s been playing for over 13 years :slight_smile:

But just choosing something without thinking about what you want is very normalā€¦ I was a very dedicated pvp player and I just picked a server without thinking more about itā€¦ Turned out my server was just a pve and very very very horde underpopulated :joy:

I guess I was just lucky to find a pve server where people didnā€™t care much about what the meaning behind those letters was, because it was easy to find pvp before.

Now Iā€™m afraid that war mode only is fun when you reach lvl 110, because the world on both sides is sooooo emptyā€¦ Itā€™s really boring when you donā€™t meet anyone :confused:

Use your brain a littleā€¦OP said theyā€™ve been playing for 13 years and WoW just turned 14. So before you come across as condescending make sure you at least read the post.

@Akcope, I too was on Thunderhorn from Vanilla onwards up to MoP albeit on horde side so I know what you mean about it being completely stacked on one side (I remember your org raids with both envy and disdain :joy: ) glad to see youā€™re still playing the game

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Completely agree - Warmode is the best feature of BfA for me!
Roaming unscripted PvP adventure in Open World! Itā€™s great. :smiley:

I also like that players who donā€™t want PvP can turn it off, and that I have no remorse about killing anyone since it was their conscious decision to turn it on.

I love all of it - roaming solo, picking up my targets, escaping from groups or getting one of them before they got me, using terrain and professions to my advantage, finding myself in camp situation and grouping up with others in same peculiar situation to wipe campers a few times, meeting & helping players, fighting other players, organizing/participating in large groups PvP, Bounty hunting and being a bounty :smiley:

Faction War story RP reasons enrich this experience by a lot.


Iā€™m gonna disagree vehemently.

Back in the day on PvP servers if someone started crap ( wow they censored sh@$ ) Iā€™d get my guild then he got his guild, then we started killing each other for hours.

Or Iā€™d know people by the name and have them on my Kill on sight list and attack at every occasion.

But Warmode/Sharding has ruined that. To me War Mode is a failure in every way and ruined PvP servers.

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