War mode should normalise levels at least!

30% bonus xp on an alt finnaly bribed me into trying it for leveling an alt

first fight , a shaman same level as me jumped myself and a rogue in the same area , slaughtering us both , went back tried a few more times, noticed he had 50% more health than me and my attacks did almost no damage to him but he was dropping me in 2-3 instant casts.

second fight a skull level rogue killing me and all the other charaters in Honour hold inn /surrounding area. i cant hurt him , the guards cant hurt no one else can hurt him we cant outrun him as his mounts faster and if do get on my flying slow mount im instantly netted back down. have to log as theres no escape and this guy obviously has mental issues hes going to keep this up all night.

why not implement level or gear normalising? if we could fight back i get it the bonus 30% might offset the time and make it fun . but this is just aweful.

i dont get why you would support these types of players

30% isnt enough , no bonus is , you need to make it fun we need to be able to defend ourselves at the very least.

Get some friends to help you or disable WM again.
WM isn’t supposed to be fair.
Want those sweet 30%? Gotta deal with that mean undead rogue!

Omg where u have been last 14years? I had these issuses day after day forever before WM, somehow Im immune to that now and dont care… you should turn off warmode and all who never played on pvp servers aswell… and let us enjoy faction war atlast

Resource bonus that caused the whole mess to begin with isnt the proper solution when multiplied by 3
What a suprise

Some advice from someone who had been in Warmode since BFA’s launch;
To some extend you have to expect being jumped in Warmode, best is to call location in general, remember that it replaced PvP servers so all the things you could have expected on a PvP realm should be expected in Warmode, that includes ganking

Your shard might be 50/50 but if 49 of you are afking in the regions main hub itll still feel like an uphil struggle

I usually do BG queues when in Warmode farming WQs, if we are outnumbered I’ll Just enter the BG when it pops and when the BG is over the whole situation has changed again

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