Hello, is it a good idea to go for tank war? I’ve seen a lot of people said this is really bad
It gets the job done, and as you are in the situation where you ask - I also presume you are in the situation where the content you are doing wont be limited by the class factor.
That said, VDH (Vengance Demon Hunter) is the flavour of this patch. Often warrior is sidelined by tanks who bring other toolkits that allow certain big pulls with their CC. So you will struggle more than said VDH to get into a group.
Not that it should be an issue, tanks are always in high demand, but a factor to concider when you decide.
Is Warrior in general a good idea? Yes, I would say so. My favourite tanks are Blood Death Knight and Protection Warrior. They play extremely different, both got their very distinct playstyles. Both very enjoyable.
If you want to just be extremely tanky, but you rely on your healer and team more, then prot warrior is perfect. If you want to play the game solo, you play BDK or Paladin. If you want to do the ultimate team setups, you play VDH.
There are no “wrong” options, if you are not going for the 0.1% title, so pick whatever calls out to you!
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