War Within Class Tuning Incoming – 4 September


  • Burden of Power can no longer be double dipped by spell queueing.

This ruins the whole fluid gameplay that sunfury had , you can nerf the spec without doing a change that changes the rotation entirely to a point where you play an entire new rotation that will be much more complex than having burden of power double dip. Targeting “gameplay” and calling it tuning isn’t it.


Frostfire Firemage: Why is Frostfirebolt not working with most important Fireball talents? There is zero use in the talent Pyrotechnics and barely any in Firefall.
Serious question: Is Frostfirebolt supposed to work with only 50% of Fireball talents?

Please explain the reasoning behind the burden of power change? Especially in light of the fact that not so long ago you recognised that double dipping is both an acceptable mechanic and a necessity to the rotation? Most mage players, from the casuals to the RFW competitors can see and understand the spec required tuning, not completely breaking less than two weeks before a season.

Revert the Burden of Power change. Look to reign the damage in elsewhere.


Guys… you just kill the whole rotation with the " * Burden of Power can no longer be double dipped by spell queueing." The fun part of the rotation is gone and everyone need to learn new rotation one week before raid release. This is the saddest new so far. Why nerf the gameplay? There’s plenty of other ways to adjust our damage.


Hey Blizz, would you please give a proper rework on Dark Ranger Hero talent? Atm it is totally unviable for MM hunters in dungeons, having to mantain single target dot in aoe situation both feels aweful and performs aweful in numbers ( sentinel vastly outperforms it in everything).
Here are some ideas:

  1. Make it possible for black arrow to spread across multiple enemies (e.g. via trick shot) .
  2. Make the black arrow proc instead of giving us redundant charges of aimed shot / death blow, give us empowered shadow version of these spells with relevant visuals.
  3. Give Black Arrow some meaningful effect upon target’s death. In Warcraft 3 the target’s death provoked it to be risen as skeleton servant. In WoW target’s death simply reduces cooldown of black arrow, lame and underwhelming.

I would remind you that Dark Ranger was your marketing tool for advertising Hero Talents. Here we’re at TWW release and it’s one of the worst hero talents at the moment.

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Yea sure nerf all the damage nerf nerf nerf nerf and you NEVER BUFF neither Lava Burst or Flame Shock which you never press as Elemental because it’s a DPS loss to keep DoT on your target, like what in the heck are you even doing.

Aaaaaaand then also nerf not only all Enhancement damage but also buff the stupid Elemental Blast which nobody wants to use because we have more buttons in our rotation than pixels on our screen, THANK YOU BLIZZARD GOOD JOB AS USUAL.

Bunch of incompetents, that’s what happens when people who don’t play the game are in charge of balace.


Blizzard, buddy ol pal, why?
Why do you fail to see you are repeating the exact same thing that got you a huge amount of responses to please undo a nerf?
You rescinded the removal of NP double dipping, then proceed to do exactly the same, completely shaking up the rotation, making all community guides need to double their efforts and all new players fully change their learning.
Genuinely woulda preferred a 25% aura nerf to sunfury, this is just inexplicable.


Would rather see some solid single target buffs than them killing the no bloodtalons build which no one was realistically going to play anyway

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With how long enemies take to kill and how much damage they do to you at 80 I think all classes need a buff. And you need to remove ilvl scaling for enemies.

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Just do a %nerf, revert the double dipping change…


So… let me get this straight… the way you decided to nerf sunfury arcane… was to… screw up our rotation and gameplay of the specc ? instead of just…simply tuning the numbers?

i don’t know whether to laugh or cry ngl


This is really incredibly bad news for the fun of playing arcane. The damage was definitely too high so a dps nerf is understandable but the burden of power change is not the way this should be approached.
Please consider the far-reaching effects this change would have on arcane mages

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Moonkin is just frustrating to play and has been starting around lvl 75. The entire damage profile is weird and spenders feel like they hit for nothing. Astral Flare needs a significant buff as well.

Questing feels impossible at max level with 560+ ilvl. Facetanking two mobs while dotting and hardcasting for any meaningful damage results with having to spend a full mana pool worth of Regrowths to top your health off (around 7% per cast). Meanwhile with a Havoc DH I can casually pull 50 mobs, burst them down and as they all keep dying, health keeps jumping back up.

I have also leveled a SP and Devastation and neither feels as bad in the open world. Shadowpriest is a much better Moonkin and Evoker deletes anything in 2 casts.

Moonkin is much worse than it was on the opening week of Dragon Isles, after which it took SEVERAL hefty buffs to Starsurge before it stopped being completely useless.

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god damn it blzzard, tune the numbers not the rotation.

Unburden my burden


The 6% flat damage nerf for elemental shaman is for the base damage, so this will be more than 6% overall, possibly by a lot.

Surprised there are no nerfs for assassin rogue.

In general, they are addressing the correct specs, though. This moves the dps specs closer together.

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this change is a joke, fury needs to be nerfed by way more

wont do anything, needs more buffs

Nerf Fury Buff Arms :sunglasses: :+1:


It’s in pvp :stuck_out_tongue: not even in pve thats the funny part meanwhile casually doing 4m+ aoe wise :stuck_out_tongue:

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cant they just let arcane be the best mage spec for ONE expansion sheesh

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I mean what are they basing these nerfs on. You’re kidding me that they nerf after 2 days of heroic dungeons right?

If so, where are the prot/fury warrior nerfs >.>

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Crazy late change… changing the rotation/double dip mechanic instead of tuning the numbers… I’m lost for words.