War Within Class Tuning Incoming – 4 September

cant they let hunter be 20% ahead of the second class for a whole tier just once?

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Arcane Mage needed a dmg nerf but attacking the playstyle and fun again is not the right way.
They Gameplay was even fun for new mage players and that´s and importend point but still keept his high skill ceiling where you can min max.
Burden of Power doubl dip is really bad change and changes hole fun of the Gameplay.

If you want to nerf arcane you nerf Mana cascade to 0.5% and Burden of power to 15-20%
so you nerf the dmg but not the playstyle.

Arcane Phoenic change is fine it was to strong.

Arcane soul change would not be necessary if you nerf Burden and mana cascade like i described.
Arcane changes doesnt even nerf the dmg much its still top tier but with way less fun.

Fire Mage

Thats not even close enough to bring fire ST to the table.
this is like 2.5-2.7% ST and its 25-30% behind arcane.
aoe its like 6% still way behind everything.


First expansion where shaman is slightly good and it didn’t take long for Blizzard to nerf it.

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For Arcane 3 weeks ago double-dip on Nether precision got reverted because it destroyed a fun rotation, now you are removing Double-dip on burden and changing a vfun rotation 10 days before raid release, and this is not even big enough nerf to push arcane from the best dps in the game. Please revert this change and change passive dmg talents, like Mana Cascade, and Spellfire Spheres.


Same for Frost DK and Elemental Shaman. In the end, the meta specs stay always mostly the same.

But nevertheless, I think these nerfs are reasonable. The goal should be that dps specs perform comparatively in the raid. Ideally in M+ too, but M+ tuning is more complicated.

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On August 2nd, during Beta, you nerfed double dipping on Nether Precision then later reverted the nerf to “deepen the rotational gameplay of Arcane”

Today, August 30th, you nerf double dipping on Burden of Power, with no explanation given, despite it being a core part of the Sunfury Arcane rotation.

The funniest part is that double dipping on Nether Precision is still present. Make it make sense.


We just had this situation a month ago with Nether Precision and you allowed that to stay. Why suddenly change your mind and change this?

You were talking about intuitivity and now you can spellqueue one but not the other, how is that for intuitive?

I love this spec and I agree it had to be nerfed, but doing it this way is just spitting on everyone who loves the playstyle and rotation


I think its worrying that fire mage balance team users design this game…kind of biased, but oh well

Hi blizzard! Please consider reverting the Burden of Power change and hit the damage amplification %. Current iteration of arcane is really a work of art in terms of gameplay - please preserve it!

Hit the numbers not the fun!

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Why are we here again? If spell queueing that allows double dipping with buffs is enough of an issue that it gets targeted to be fixed not just once but twice, then why is this not being addressed across the entire game? Why is it being focused on here considering that one instance of making this kind of targeted change to spell queueing was met with such negative feedback that the suggested change was reverted.

This change changes the conditions with how we use Burden of Power in a very similar way to how a previous proposed change would have affected how we used Nether Precision.

The previous proposed change regarding double dipping Nether Precision with spell queuing that was reverted affected a base arcane playstyle option that would have been gone if the change went through.

This change to Burden of Power affects that same playstyle in a very similar way that is currently supplemented by the Sunfury Hero talents. It would put the base playstyle option (that was preserved by the reverting of a similar change) at odds with the Sunfury Hero talents. One supported by double dipping with spell queueing and one not. This would make playing Sunfury Arcane Mage confusing and more difficult.

Every mage spec uses spell queueing in some way. Arcane Mages use it as their skill expression to maximise the use of the buffs they track. Fire and Frost mages use it in their own way for their skill expression of their spec.

Please stop singling out Arcane’s use of it as some kind of bug that needs to be fixed and revert the change to Burden of Power. If the issue is the amount of damage it adds to arcane then there are different ways to address that issue than the one stated. It will have a negative effect on Sunfury Arcane Mage as a whole.


Why did frost DK get nerfed, but not fury warriors?


how in the hell did Frost DK get a nerf

like what?

are we playing the same game , LOL


The arcane mage dipping change for burden is such a shame, after locking in mage as my main for this expansion and spending weeks learning arcane, the pieces were finally coming together but you HAD to mess up the rotation and the flow of the spec.

Please consider nerfing the damage but keep the dipping, this is horrible.


Nerf the numbers not the rotation 2 weeks before the raid. Burden of power not double dipping will change our rotation. Revert this and just do an aura nerf. Jesus how hard can it be?


For God sake, remove the symbol on forehead and glowing eyes for oracle priests

It ruins our character look

for gods sake please let blood talons just die.
for once feral is fun and you are killing it.

Changing Buden of Power Interaction and removing the Spellqueing is by far the worst way to nerf Arcane, just flat nerf the the arcane Spells and do not change the Rotation for Arcane Mage. It just feels bad and does not adress the Problem that Arcane Mage is way ahead of the other two Specs. Removing Spellqueing on Burden of Power and keeping it on Nether Precesion is also just counter intuitive.


Where’s acrobatic strike?


I feel like Blizzard is trolling at this point. No changes to Outlaw Rogue? Really? Out of ALL the classes, this is the only class that DESPERATELY needs tuning. I guess the rumors is true that the team who worked on rogue have been fired.


Paladin buff is pathetic, given it’s actaully a nerf, the mastery scaling will be far more valuable than the 5% DPS increase as gear gets better, further, even without the mastery change, paladin needed much more than 5%

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