War Within Class Tuning Incoming – 4 September

Why are we destroying the way Arcane plays to “nerf” it instead of just tuning some of the cogs in the Sunbury tree? In the beta you did the same thing to Nether Precession where you removed the double dipping than after feedback you allowed it but now with Burden of power with 2 weeks till Season starts you are destroyign the way the whole spec plays and for what?

These nerfs will NOT remove Arcane from being the best dps in the game still, all it does it makes the spec play so much worse. Please revert this change so the gameplay is the same even if you have to nerf the spec more I don’t care it plays so much more fun now than it will with this change you want to do.


So where is the Hunter bm buff for aoe ?

Currently at 600k dps overral in every run as Bm ~ Switching to Marksmanship i end up with 1 to 1.2 mill dps at 585 ilvl.

My warrior 559 ilvl surpass my Bm Hunter 585 ilvl with peak Aoe comparable with my Marksmanship hunter and even better since the tool that has is unmatchable by many classes-specs.

You had 3 months beta …the game has been released …thousands of players are playing this class spec… Still nothing has been done .

The only class that has 1 aoe skill …

Marksmanship multishoot crit for 460k ~ dmg on average …

Bm Multishoot crit for 12 k … (and has the hero talents of 25% increase in multishoot dmg …i don’t wanna say anything because it’s clearly a joke .


The arcane community has really been enjoying the new rotation and having a lot of fun with it, so I really dont understand where this change comes from. Cant we just nerf the numbers a bit instead of killing whats fun in the spec?


Please revert the Burden of Power change. Nerfing arcane is fine, but removing the double dipping mechanic is not it.


Finally arcane mage rotation felt good. Yes I think we all agree that it was obviously overtuned but for god’s sake just nerf the numbers. Both arcane soul nerf and especially double dip change makes no sense. Not NP can be double dipped while BOP can’t??
There are so many ways to nerf arcane that doesn’t take away the fun yet you take literally one of the worst approaches. Please rethink about this decision.


I don’t see them touching rogues until they fixed the multitude of bugs.

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Why would you remove doubledipping from sunfury? Why change the rotation, why remove something that HAS BEEN in the game for ages now?

You did the same with Nether Precision, who thought this is a good idea?

This is unacceptable for me. I will have to relearn the rotation and put me at disadvantage from other people.

IF you want to nerf arcane, nerf numbers not rotation or how the spec feels.


Just another mage chiming in to say PLEASE revert this burden of power change.

You don’t need me to sit and explain why it’s bad, there’s a million other posts explaining that, I’ll just say that it’s the most fun spec I’ve played in a long time, and using tuning knobs to nerf it’s damage is 100% the way forward, not gutting how we play 2 weeks before raid launch.

We went through this last month with Nether Precision. Both frost and fire also “abuse” this “bug” of double dipping and yet those specs never get touched either, and they’re better for it because it’s FUN.

Please consider reverting this change.


Never played a mage but judging by how most mages are saying to reduce numbers instead ofthe double dipping I’m going to say it too, keep specs fun to play, WE ARE HERE FOR FUN.


Hi all, the changes to Sunfury Arcane mage is acceptable, because it does too much damage, but the way you did this is not acceptable taking into account recent incident to NP “fix” and revert the fix back. There is a plenty ways to nerf the damage without changing the rotational part of it - which is really cool.



Please stop nerfing the fun from a playstyle. Yes you had to nerf Arcane Mage but all you had to do was nerf the damage to burden of power or just do an overall damage nerf. And you choose to nerf Burden of Power double dipping and Arcane Soul which actually added so much fun to the playstyle. People have been theorycrafting for months about the rotation and you decide to change it 2 weeks into the expansion instead of the beta version of the game. PLEASE STOP NERFING THE FUN


nerf damage = fair
change rotation = bad


Don’t ruin arcane like that. Nerf the numbers dont nerf fun. We play games to have fun guys


Had to make my first post here on the forums cause of these mage changes. It makes no sense to nerf and change the rotation like this, after alot of mages have enjoyed how the spec plays now. And this close to raid release for that matter. Just nerf the numbers but keep the rotation please.


Please stop nerfing the fun from a playstyle. Yes you had to nerf Arcane Mage but all you had to do was nerf the damage to burden of power or just do an overall damage nerf. And you choose to nerf Burden of Power double dipping and Arcane Soul which actually added so much fun to the playstyle. People have been theorycrafting for months about the rotation and you decide to change it 2 weeks into the expansion instead of the beta version of the game. PLEASE STOP NERFING THE FUN


Sunfury Arcane is clearly overtuned, it clearly is an outlier compared to a lot of other specs. Nerfing the spec is completely warranted and healthy for the game. What isn’t healthy is the way it’s getting nerfed. The change to Burden of Power fundamentally changes what’s turned out to be an incredibly fun and involved gameplay style, into something that’s likely gonna be way more passive and less involved. Nerf the damage, don’t nerf the fun. Please revert this change and use the plethora of other tuning knobs you have to reel Sunfury Arcane back in.


Changing the double dipping (after reverting the Nether Precision ‘fix’) on Burden of Power this late makes the spec inconsistent and throws off our whole rotation post launch.

SF might have needed a nerf but there is no reason to bring it in the form of a mechanical change. The spec is incredibly fun to play right now, let’s not change that and just stick to the number knobs?


Hi there,
wanting to give feedback on the Arcane Mage changes.

i’ve played Mage for some years and never really had fun with Arcane, up until the last weeks of changes that really made the gameplay fun and fluid.
You won over a large group of players that were willing to jump on the Arcane train and the spec gained a lot of fans just recently, not because of high numbers and tuning, but because of a nice gameplay loop.

Now, the changes to Burden of Power doubledipping are not the way to help the spec in any way other than tuning, the gameplay gets worse, the mobility and flexibility, and just simply the fun.

i can understand, the same issue we just had about nether precision doubledipping and you guys reverting your “changes / bugfix” was not the norm, but you made a good decision back then, while there will possibly be a way for you to find a good solution for the spec without doubledipping, its to close to the current Season 1 start to take on that task imho. So kindly consider postponing this change till after Season , giving enough time to really find a good middleground.

thanks for ready and best regards!


Bm hunter aoe is so unbelievable bad right now… im starting to think it must be a bug. You pet is incapable of holding aggro as well. Something is not right with hunter right now and it needs to be addressed. These changes arent going to do it.


Could one of you mages please explain why this change ruins the playstyle?

Genuine question. I don’t play mages, so I don’t understand how this change impacts the fun factor of the spec, but would like to understand why this change is met with universally negative feedback.