But you suck at the game bud because you like levelling. Your opinion is null and void.
You need to understand that the “right” isn’t in the middle. And not all opinions are valid.
Some are just dumb.
In the case we talked above - mine is objectively right.
Sometimes it is just like that
I actually level characters by not playing Dragonflight out of choice. Currently 68 and have no reason to go to the Dragon Isles. Easy when you know how. I plan on going there at 70 to do a spot of fishing. If all the previous expansions are any judge there will be any number of ways to prep your char to play even with very low gear, and you will still be able to cruise to level cap without needing to do the expansion.
no mounts?
BTW - all “good players” I know, that includes high elo PVPers, high rio M+ pushers or big raiders or even just “boosters” - they, pretty much all of them, “DONT LEVEL” their new chars.
What do they do? Obviously they buy boosts. the majority just buys gold level boost in azure span. Actually good endgame content players hate quests. They are too easy, unfun and waste of time.
You can do some quests for story, to see it once or so - but beyond that it’s just a self-torture.
You could be doing fun endgame content instead.
But if you choose to repeat boring 1-shot-mobs questlines, then maybe you are aware you are not good enough for the core of the game and you just vibe.
Now we get to “casuals” - it’s not one-size-fits-all but a lot of self-proclaimed casuals will have like 30+ characters. Mostly unlevelled to the max, just created for name/race/class/spec combos… just levelling and levelling…
Then they can’t really play these classes - they won’t use most of the abilities, they have no idea how stuff interacts with each other.
But it doesn’t matter - in outdoor questing, 2 random hits kill your enemy NPC, so why deep dive into the class gameplay?
Sure, you’d need specific research to prove my points but I’ve seen the pattern.
For myself - I also hate levelling. All my max level chars are a result of using “Expact free boosts” that I later levelled up in the “lazy manner” - be it in a prepatch event, or by doing seasonal boss/daily routines if I wanted to get seasonal rewards - that awards you a lot of XP. Even DMF stuff is good for this.
Obv Timewalking/fast WQ levelling and you basically level by skipping the “Core of Levelling” - because you’d go insane doing the DI campaign for the 7th time.
Admittedly, this monk - I was going for vulpera heritage and my bnet friend saved my time. when i was like 25 lvl he asked if i want to get free Azure span level boost - he was farming cobalt assembly. I got to 50 lvl, done vulpera heritage and used my TWW boost.
levelling is no longer a journey. it’s the worst part of the game - and nothing during levelling really matters. You can’t even enjoy new gear that much cuz of scaling ruining a lot of fun parts of gearing… and you level so fast you have no time to actually change gear much, and then you even play heirlooms in all slots. Go figure.
So back to my OG statement - people who enjoy levelling and level tons of chars are actually not good at the game. They just play and vibe.
Seems not unless something is added that wasn’t datamined.
You are making a lot of presumptions on biased views you have of the playerbase
biased? I spent enough years in this game and met enough people to make very educated assumptions
That doesn’t make it any less biased.
I’ve also been playing a long time and I certainly don’t agree with yours. That’s my bias based on years of experience
Then you are objectively and factually wrong, biased by your own bubble.
I transcended the bubbles - seen everything in this game. I’m enlightened enough to know how this works.
And if you don’t believe my “Trust me Bro” science.
Just look how popular the level boosting is. That alone should give you some pointers…
I’m in a bubble but you aren’t!?!?! Don’t make me laugh. The whole point is that everyone is in their own bubble to a certain extent. I have never read such stereotypical rubbish regarding high vs low end players. It’s just the same recycled rubbish people use to put others down.
Fortunately I know a very wide cross section of players and it’s funny how the area of the game they play in does not dictate their personality or how they play in general. Some people will play high end and do nothing outside of that. Others will play high end and engage in various other activities that more casual players also enjoy.
i love looms, because i level alot, the reason i level a lot is because i forget how to play a class, then i make a new one to get back in the feel, then jump back on my mains.
Do you ever explode on mobs? Nine times out of ten I explode on quest givers when I’m handing in
i sometimes make a big pull just as im about to level and top the meters xD
(post deleted by author)
im also flagging you btw for the soy stuff, not going to hide it, its a clear violation.
Its genuinely not nice what you are saying @Vulgoku, escpecially from someone with that much ach points, some might say you also dont have anything going on in your life, but no one isnt.
That’s a smurt move! I should pay more attn to when I’m going to ding.
If I dungeon level obviously I’m more likely to actually hit something with that ability.
yeah i mosly level in dungeons but on a dps i have to level with some expansion while waiting for queues xD
So what about it? so im not allowed to judge you like you are doing with everyone now?
It’s not worth arguing with someone who has little self control and needs to lash out. It’s only going to exacerbate the issue and risk closing down a discussion so best to move on. If people feel rules are broken just flag and move on. Let moderation deal with it.
So back to prepatch!!!