Warband Bank (Warbank) is "deleting"/hiding unique items

When depositing unique items into the warbank they will be only visible to the character that deposited them.
A different character will NOT see those items.

When I first notced the “bug” I thought the warbank is deleting items by overwriting them.

This needs to be adressed. It could lead too more tickets regarding it or actual prooblems with space. I don’t knoww yet how the warbank will react when a character tries to deposit items into free spaces that are actually used by unique items he just can’t see.

Best to make it so that unique items can not be deposited.

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Hey Traicey,

A player posted this in another thread, if you want to check that this is your case:

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Tha bank absolutely deletes items, i cleaned the bank of my main character from 2009, logged on another character and at least 5 unique/grey items/stacks vanished, i immediately logged back onto my main without touching anything but theyre gone and i dont even know what most of them were. Man, why was it unlocked if its still completely busted? Is there a way a gm can find and get the items back at least?I tried to log in after a few minutes since that seems to let the items reappear for some people but that didnt work, the servers are down right now so maybe im lucky and theyre back tomorrow.

That is an interesting observation but not really a fix for the problem.
It works the same for single stack unique items. The problem is what happens when the slot where the unique item is “supposed to be” gets filled with another item cause the other character can’t see the unique item?
Personally I’m not going to test it unless I have a GM at hand who can immediately restore the item in case it gets deleted.

Also when I made a ticket to this problem a week ago I got told a hotfix went out to fix that behavior. 7 days later it’s still working as back then.

As I stated in my ticket back then the best solutions for this would be to for

  1. unique items to not be able to be deposited
  2. make unique items show up but be “unique depositable” into the warbank. Meaning if one is in there/the unique limit is reached then u can’t deposit another one.

Being reminded that there are items that are unique till a cap (prepatch memories) number 2 would be a far better solution.
(number 1 could still be a bandaid fix till number 2 is implemented and working)

I personally will refrain from putting unique items into the Warbank for now and will advise everyone to do the same.

A fix for this issue is set for patch 11.0.2.

Please do not create a ticket for game masters to review, they will not be able to fix this on their end.

Thank you!