Warband Bank

Hey guys,

Imagine you have a alt to gather ore/herb/skins and the main one to craft.
Is it possible to transfer all the mats to the warband bank? even the epic or rare/souldbound mats.

Your can’t put soulbond items in the Warbank becuase they are bound to a single character but other mats you should be able to do so as they are tradeable.

Thanks for the reply.

But is it viable to do this? The double gather in one character and double crafter in other. Because there was a time when you had to have 1 crafing and 1 gather since you could not trade some of the gather items.

I havn’t got Beta so no idea on the profs in TWW and if any mats from gathering are soulbound, but if they are then yeah maybe it’s not viable.

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