Warband camp animations are terrible

In addition to being a nightmare to navigate for anyone with more than a handful characters, what frustrates me the most about the new character select screen is the character animations. When I select my night elf female guardian druid, she goes into this ridiculous fist fighting stance with her staff in one hand and pulls an angry facial expression. It’s so off-putting that I simply won’t be using the favorites menu at all…

…thing is, even if you empty the favorites menu and close it, it’ll just unfold and take up half your screen the next time you log in.


I agree, they should be doing their racial dance.

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Yeh, the whole campfire thing is too static overall imo. They are just poses really. They look like sad miniatures or something. Don’t see the point of it all tbh. At least, for now, there’s no reason to have them there and you can just ignore it.

Don’t like having every character from all servers in the list though. I’d like expandable categories that group them together for each server or to be able to create custom categories so we can group our characters however we want.

Like I said in another thread, it’s just a cheap copy from Diablo.

Does not bother me too much, I just really wish the character selection / warband screen had some customization options. The whole screen should be able to be tailored to your liking somehow.

My hunters gun is invisible. She’s stood there with an invisible gun. And my mace is upside down on my shamans back.

All of these things genuinely do affect my gameplay. Makes the game look, and feel cheap.

I just like things to look tidy and neat.

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