Warband Camp background vs Solo Char select Background

In terms of the warband camp setting in general, I’m indifferent to the idea of it. I don’t hate it and I don’t love it. I will say that it will be interesting to see what future ones come in 11.1 though.

My request is to also allow us to change the background on the characters not in our camp. I realise that remembering where you come from is important but my characters have come a very long way since their inception and their current backgrounds don’t make me feel that way.

For example, I have one of every class available to Goblin’s, they are the best class after all. However, their background is, I believe, the Lost Isles which doesn’t match the vibe I’m going for.

So if there is tech being implemented that will allow us to swap warband camp backgrounds, surely, the same can be done for solo characters?


I just really want to go back to the old log in screen and pick the realm i want to play on and such. I really hate the current system.

I was just looking on the armory and realised that they seem to have class backgrounds there which look pretty cool.

And then, look at this video and the possibilities that could exist!

Updated Log-In Screens for World of Warcraft // UI Update Concept

(Alt of OP)

Yes, it will be a nice addition if we have the option to change the backgound.

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