Warband Currency Transfer Temporarily Disabled – August 14

Have you tried deleting the WTF and Interface folders?


They shouldn’t have released an unfinished feature in the first place and it’s not this feature that they had issues with but there were several other new features which are/were buggy.

sooo… any chance we can get transfers enabled again?

It is unfortunate that we continue without this

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I keep getting hit with random bugs and problems this pre patch.
Can’t do Legion campaign because it’s bugged and NPCs are not where they’re supposed to be; can’t transfer some currency from one char to another because it’s not working…

I’m frustrated to say the least.

Pls can we get this fixed. I’m finishing gearing up my least-used alts this weekend with pre-patch gear and being able to send memories between my characters makes it a lot easier.


The transfer system… it just doesn’t feel like currencies are account wide. It feels like a half measure.

I guess they did it to reduce the amount of tickets, but honestly, wouldn’t a confirmation pop up have been enough? I would love to be able to just open the currency panel, see how much I’ve got. Get more. Spend it.

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I think for currencies which have a 100% conversion rate, they wouldn’t have even needed to implement the transfer, they could have just shown on all characters the account amount. I think it works that way with Trading Post Tender.


I need this now :cold_face:


When is this going to be fixed?

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I hope soon. Got a lot of Echos that I want to xfer to some different toons.

So for every day this isn’t fixed, the pre-launch event gets extended, as a compensation?

Maybe we need to be making sacrifices to Blizz. Shall we start with Vulpera or Gnomes?

I’d say goblins would be best to sacrifice first. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Why? Buy the items for your alts from the vendor with the character that has the currency and post them like the old days

is this fixed?

That’s the issue - when you buy them from the vendor, they become Soulbound, which means you can’t mail them to your other characters or place them in the warbank. We wouldn’t be posting here if there was a workaround until the currency transfer issue is fixed. :slightly_smiling_face:

No, the items remain Warbound until equip. I’ve done a lot of shopping on my main for the alts. I just put the items into the warbank for them, so this is definitely a workaround.

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Oops my bad didn’t check before I posted that. You’re right there is a workaround for that and thank you for the heads up. :slightly_smiling_face:

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You can also mail them to the respective characters, but Warbank is of course more convenient.

(I keep forgetting we have that now…)