Warband Currency Transfer Temporarily Disabled – August 14

A few moments ago, we disabled the currency transfer function in order to address an issue with the system.

As soon as we’ve got a fix for it, we’ll re-enable currency transfers.

We apologize for the inconvenience.


Hope it can be fixed soon.

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After event, probably :stuck_out_tongue:


Bah, missed the dupe exploit


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Can we get honor transfer restored please, atm im not playing because I dont want to have to farm honor on my alts against fully geared players…


:point_up_2: this.

I hope they fix it before Remix ends. :crossed_fingers:

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What’s the issue? It clearly isn’t in the game files/code as this is an EU post, and there is no equivalent post for US.

A little transparency would be appreciated. If it is an exploit, or something in the game files then surely you need to contain the possibility/situation in the US and other regions too.

Why before remix ends? Can you even use it in remix?

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You mean this US post?

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Wasn’t listed on the Wowhead front BlueTracker list for the US, so I missed it.

However, it is reassuring that this is not an EU region thing, alone.

Nonetheless, perhaps stating the reason wouldn’t be too much of a stretch.

Simply saying this has had to be done because of reason x . would give us a better perspective to understand why.

Thanks Punyelf.

please add the possibility to transfer currency to characters that dont have that certain currency.


It says in the post:

They never say what exactly the problem is, 'cause code related issues are not our business. They fix the code and patch it.


This - it is a little annoying to have to go and collect at least a single residual memory to be able to pull in those existing on other characters. I have as a result always transferred all but one residual memory between my characters, meaning I can always suck more back later.

Why? because once all the characters are geared, I’ll need to revisit characters to pull in memories to buy bags and maybe offspec weapons, because bags right now, are not a priority for spending memories on.


That’s as maybe for now. However, I asked for more transparency. Reiterating the current way things are, is not going to drive the conversation forwards, nor is it helpful.

I’m asking for more context to help us manage our expectations. It isn’t that big of an ask.

I wanted to transfer some timeless coins to my remix character so that I could buy the mount before the event ended and not let 80k timeless coins go to waste. :confused:

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The transfer UI could definitely do with a tweak!


They did an article and tweets about it too. I guess their tracker missed it.


That is exactly the use case I have utilised when the functionality first became available. The remix character being the only one on my account with Exalted with Emperor Shaohao (sic?)

Well they’ll still have that rep when you return to Retail. So at least you’ll get it then, once currencies are fixed again.

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Yes true but if the currency transfers are fixed after the event ends then it will be a tedious grind again because they’re going to thrash the currencies we currently have on our remix characters. :frowning_face: